Alcohol whilst pregnant, your views?

Lol, sounds like pregnancy makes us appreciate what little we do drink so much more. I love the idea of sitting and savouring 1 pint all afternoon! I wish I had a garden because the idea of sitting out the with a glass of Pimms full of fruit and ice just sounds like absolute heaven in this horrid horrid heat. I'd probably have more fruit and ice than liquid anyway, i'd much rather sit and chomp on rasberries than drink.... I hate hot weather by the way. lol.

I'd love to be sitting in the sun in the garden drinking a nice cold cocktail :) Preferably a strawberry daiquiri.....yummy!! But alas I'm not, I'm drinking orange juice. Never mind!
Yeah ill admit to getting shitfaced two days before I took the pregnancy test. I thought i might be pregnant, But then again my period was always a day late and i ALWAYS thought i was pregnant everytime i had sex LOL
Haha, just thinking about this, my OH and I were due to have a birthday party/housewarming party in March so I took a test just before the party to check that I was OK to drink, it came out negeative so I though, great, party here I come! Looking back on when I conceived, it was a week or so before the party, so I too got shitfaced whilst preggers by accident, it was just too early to show on a test, lol!

I don't ever drink to begin with but in my opinion it is best to just not drink at all. What is somthing goes wrong (right after) and you will feel guilty forever and unsure wether is was that drink or not. No need in taking any risk! Also alcohol is for adults and since the baby gets everything you eat/drink you just shouldn't even think about having something with alcohol in it (in my opinion).
in pregnancy, i 'allowed myself to have the odd drink', they say if you're going to have a drink you shouldn't go over 2.5 units a week, which i never did if i did drink, and was always really low alcohol stuff anyway, i don't think i could've stomached anything over 4% alcohol!! even if i had a glass of wine i filled half the glass with lemonade! so i think it's generally okay to have the odd drink (even though whenever i did i felt a bit guilty!) BUT there's people who don't find out they're pregnant until after the first trimester so sometimes you can't help it eh?

not drinking generally during my pregnancy though has overall made me not want a drink at all really! it's nice to have one at a party or something though..

not too long ago though you weren't told to stop drinking OR smoking, just to cut down if you could. and i think smokng dring pregnancy deffo has an affect on baby! but it's up to the individual aint it, if someone wants to do something they're gonna do it..

that is my weird mix of opinion! lol xxx
I had 2 small west coast cooler rosé on my birthday and felt so guilty.. I never drank anything after that.. I personally felt so selfish and evil towards LO.. He kicked when I was halfway through my last one and I stopped drinking it.. I was very very emotional during my pg so maybe this contributed as well.. I don't think there is anything wrong with someone having a glass of wine etc.. But I don't agree with people who drink as normal when becoming pregnant.. A girl I know drank the same, went out to clubs and pubs etc and it sickened me.. There are only 2months between our LO's.. A few weeks ago when me and OH were out there was a girl who was at least 8 months pregnant.. Dancing like a looneybin with a drink in each hand.. It made me feel so sick and sorry for the little baby she was carrying.. My OH said "Thats a little Odhrán in there" Even he found it disgusting! Sorry a bit off subject lol but I think everyone is entitled to have a glass of wine or whatever they like.. Just as long as it is within the recommended amount
yeah i agree febmum2be, when you see pregnant women actually drunk, it's just not right :O! bless you OH feeling strongly about it too, men usually don't care do they? haha xxx
I think people can go overboard with the 'don't do's'
I listen to my body. the first sign of being pregnant was when i went off coffee and wine and couldn't drink it even if i wanted to!
Stayed off it completely for first 18 weeks or so.
Now if i feel like a glass of wine or a beer, i'll have a weak one and probably won't even finish it. Just the thought of it thats appealing really.
We breathe in and take in lots of toxins in our environment that are unavoidable and I think babies are less vulnerable than we think.
I know of a lot of people who drank to extremes during pregnancy and while it made me uncomfortable its really a personal decision.
in the USA i've heard of pregnant women not being served alcohol and people actually taking it out of their hands!!!
Now that would really piss me off!!!
I know Ria! I was surprised at him saying that.. He probably wouldn't have cared or noticed before but maybe now he's a daddy it hit home a bit more?.. It's so horrible seeing that xxx
i only ever had one or two drinks if that when i did drink but if i read that article whilst pregnant i would've been put right off even having the one drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it did class the 'low exposure' group as less than 1 drink per week. And they had normal sperm count. The people who had the biggest problems were having like 4 drinks every week. I think that would be considered excessive to be honest!

It does make sense when men have low sperm count when TTC they encourage them not to drink too much.
I stopped completely once I found out I was pregnant but at about 4 months I saw my uncle who is a GP and he told me that after 16 weeks you can happily have 2-3 glasses of wine 2 or 3 times a week and it will do absolutely no harm to the baby as all it's vital organs are formed by then. He said that the strict guidelines as per usual are there for the (in his words) 'idiot minority' who have no idea of what is sensible. Since then I've had about 2-3 small spritzers with lemonade a week if I fancy it i.e. less than half of a small glass of white wine and then topped up with lemonade.

I don't feel at all bad about it as I'm confident that the tiny amount of alcohol I am having is not affecting the baby in a negative way and now I don't feel I'm missing out.
I think people can go overboard with the 'don't do's'
I listen to my body. the first sign of being pregnant was when i went off coffee and wine and couldn't drink it even if i wanted to!
Stayed off it completely for first 18 weeks or so.
Now if i feel like a glass of wine or a beer, i'll have a weak one and probably won't even finish it. Just the thought of it thats appealing really.
We breathe in and take in lots of toxins in our environment that are unavoidable and I think babies are less vulnerable than we think.
I know of a lot of people who drank to extremes during pregnancy and while it made me uncomfortable its really a personal decision.
in the USA i've heard of pregnant women not being served alcohol and people actually taking it out of their hands!!!
Now that would really piss me off!!!

in alot of states its illegal to be drunk whilst pregnant and you are arrested for it i think that should be bought in here tbh

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