
Just remembered it's my 25th birthday in September too! Lol x might have to have a small glass of champers then! x ugh energy drinks! Made me smile though x
I have had half a glass of wine or a bit of cider every now and then but maybe like 5 small glasses altogether in the whole pregnancy. Haven't had anything for a while now as I just hate the thought of alcohol, makes me sick :lol: x
i was teetotal befor i got preggers so no way would i touch it now i dont even have caffiene lols
I went to have a glass of wine at new year (my god when i say it, it sounds sooo long ago!), but it made me feel sick as soon as I had a sip so havn't bothered with drink. Im sure it'll make that first gin and lemonade taste that little bit nicer on a summers day once she's here :)

I dont think theres any prob with having a unit here or just made me feel ill :)
I had a delicious glass of good quality red on out 2 year wedding anniversary when I was about 13 weeks but not had anything since. I would have a small glass once a week if I fancied it but I haven't really even thought about it really. I only ever really drank alcohol socially or had the odd glass at home to relax in the evening- I come on here now instead!
Hmmm, I look like Im the most relaxed of all I suppose. I absolutely loved my alcohol before I got pregnant, most nights me and OH would have a bottle of wine etc, so since I found out have calmed down a lot, but would still say I have a glass or 2 every few days. I can go without if I want, I was out for a meal and then to a few bars the other day and didn't have a drop, just juice, but other times I might have a couple of spritzers, or a couple of weak pimms at some BBQ's.

At no point have I felt drunk though, and I don't have any concerns.
I was the same number two. Every weekend wouldn't be the same without a bottle of wine or two! Flipping love the stuff! I still drink it but obviously not as much as I used too.
I didn't drink at all but I was no drinker anyway, one glass of wine and I am trollied so I guessed it was best to leave off it completely. I did have the odd glass while BF'ding though.
I was pregnant all over christmas/new year and didn't know so unfortunately I did drink a lot more than I should have. Since I found out I was pregnant in January I've had 3 mojitos, all made with way more ice than usual the alcohol in them is next to nothing. I'm not a big drinker anyway so I don't really miss it, although I am looking forward to my less diluted mojito once bubba is here =P

Each to their own in my opinion =]
I used to drink a glass of wine (or 3) or a couple of cans most nights with OH after the kids were in bed. My way of winding down I suppose.

Since being preg, I've had the odd glass of wine or beer, but it really makes me feel headachey and sleepy!! I can't see that the odd glass here and there can hurt! Saying that, the thought right now turns my stomach. First tim for everything i suppose lol!!
Haven't touched a drop since i found out i was pregnant, i dont think it is worth the risk, but i don't judge anyone who chooses to have a drink now and then. It is peronal choice.

I am not a massive drinker, but i must say, it is getting tough - I am soooo jealous when OH goes the pub.
Haven't had a drink since I found out I was pregnant. Trouble with me is I don't think I could stop at one lol so I don't risk it. I think one now n again is ok tho. I think we miss it simply because we know we can't have it.
I haven't had anything since I found out. I'm not a big drinker anyway but did enjoy the odd glass of wine. I was pretty sick for the first few months so didn't fancy a drink at all and am not missing it so I haven't had any.
Mmm, I grabbed the biggest wine glass (probably fits half a bottle in there :lol: ), put about 0.5 unit (less than half of half a pint) worth of white wine in there and filled the rest with cold lemonade.... Mmmmmmm :)

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