

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Maybe controversial but I'm just interested, who's abstaining 100%, who's a bit more relaxed?

I will say I am still cooking with alcohol and have had an 'alcohol free' beer but that's it. It might get harder as I've been invited to a hen night and my OH's birthday is before baby's due so I'm not sure if I'll have one wine spritzer or just stick to juice/ coke.

What's everyones views on alcohol whilst pg? Obviously binge drinking IMHO is wrong and personally I wouldn't even have the 'allowance' that the gov say is ok but that's just personal choice. I wouldn't say it was wrong or evil etc to have a drink now and again x sorry to ramble x
My wife didn't drink at all during pregnancy - she reckoned even a little wasn't worth the risk. I don't think the odd glass of wine hurts too much though
i dont drink atall but im no drinker. had had the odd fag tho (not for 17 days now!) and thats no better. i dont think the odd glass would do any harm xx
I didn't have a drop when I was pregnant with Rosie. This time I have had white wine and lemonade (very dilute!) with Sunday lunch on occasion and I have had some of my OH's lager with some lemonade too. I wouldnt be having glasses of wine or anything else - I think if I had a full glass of wine I'de be singing New York New York and falling over! :) I didnt have anything at all during my first 20 weeks btw x
I think I'd be smashed if I had a glass too! Lol x OH's bday is in June and hen night is in Aug so got ages yet x what's your views on cooking with it? I love risotto which uses a small amount of wine in x I haven't missed alcohol at all but not been in a situation like a hen night where everyone'll be drinking x
Cooking with alcohol means that its all evaporated just leaving you with the taste - I wouldnt worry about that unless you're talking about a bottle of sherry in your trifle :lol:
I hate trifle so no worries there! Lol x x
I haven't had anything since I found out. Although I drank plenty over the New Year when I didn't know and everything still seems to be fine. I don't see the point in paying for a bottle of wine cos OH doesn't drink it, plus seems a bit of a waste of money just to buy one glass in a pub when I would then spend the rest of the night on lemonade! So even though I know it is OK in small amounts I am just a tight arse!
I have had the odd small glass of wine but stopped at the one. It's enough for me.. Just a little taster!
If i am totally honest, i had a fair few cans of larger when i was pregnant with Lucas. No more than 2 in one sitting and not more than twice a week and he is totally fine. I was obviously relaxed about it but i also understand when people don't touch a drop. I never had a sip of alcohol with my first baby and the other 2 i didn't touch a drop before 20 weeks xx
Ive had a very week shandy at a bbq a couple of weeks ago. My OH poured a tiny bit of beer in a glass and topped it up with lemonade and ice...bless him. I've really enjoyed not drinking I feel alot more alert and my skin looks fresher...Although I smile when I think about what my first glass of red wine will be like after I stop breast feeding! :) Im looking forward to that!
I thought I was gonna look like an alchy all on my own then toonlass! Lmao :lol:

Those tiny bottles of wine or White wine spritzers from tesco are perfect if you just want a little taste.
I didn't have anything in the first 12 weeks, then after that really fancied some red wine. Every couple of weeks I might have a small glass (my midwife laughed when I said how small) with dinner or at the weekend. Either that or a small measure of baileys (no home measures!). I wouldn't like to go much over that but also finding that alcohol starts up my heartburn too!
I'm not a big drinker anyway - never have been. A night out on the town is my idea of hell! No one believed me when I said I wasn't bothered about not having a drink at my 21st in Jan lol!
I think I had a small glass of champers to welcome in the new year and that's it! Only time i'm missing a beer is when the weather is gorgeous and i'm sat out in it with my friends round. Not missing the fags which is good too :) x
I don't drink anyway so it was no loss for me :lol:

I have been sniffing my oh's red bull cans :oooo:
Oh mamafy, I was a bugger for energy drinks before I got pregnant! Been hard not having one but i've done it! Yay! Addictive bloody energy drinks!
ive had 4 sips of cider in total in the last month (my oh is counting lol) he doesnt want me to touch a drop but allows me the odd sip of his now and again just to get the taste, im not going to argue with him its his baby too so if it makes him feel better then im not going to go out and have half a pint even though i think personally one everynow and again isnt going to do much (although i do have silly visions of bubs on a high floating about drunk sometimes lol)... im lucky, M/S has put me off my favourite tipple of a nice red wine with my tea, sometimes i wonder if ill ever fancy it again!
Oh mamafy, I was a bugger for energy drinks before I got pregnant! Been hard not having one but i've done it! Yay! Addictive bloody energy drinks!

I normally can't stand them but my word the smell of them :oooo:
I have had a few small glasses of wine after 20 weeks with a meal. I don't think a little hurts but have to admit last time i only had half and sat giggling cos i was so light headed so even if i wanted more i wouldn't be able too!
well i hadnt had anything at all but went for my 20 scan yesterday and we all walked home in the sun and stopped outside a pub for tea o/h had a beer so i had a small glass of wine as all was well at the scan only prob i had as my bump is large for 20wk i keeped thinking ppl were lookin at me for drinking im sure they wernt bu i felf like standing up and saying this is my very first sip in 20wks lol

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