Alcohol whilst pregnant, your views?

Agree about the shandy, mmmm! Not had one in years lols xx

until i saw this i havent touched a drop, never really wanted to either...


now i have 3/4 a pint of lemonade n 1/4 pint of carling, and oh my GOD IT IS AMAZING!!!! :roll:

its got ice cubes in n is going down fantastically well, well i know what i will be treating myself to on holiday in 3 weeks time while the hubby is wasted on egyptian all inclusive cocktails.... a nice shandy, :lol:
Since i found out i was pregnant i have only had 1/2 a champagne flute of pink champagne when we went to our friends wedding!! Not that i drink alcohol when i'm not pregnant!!
I've been drinking shandy so I get the taste but no alcohol lol. The midwife told me the odd one isn't a problem really just don't go and get pi$$ed lol
I didnt drink anything until 15 weeks and I was sure I was past the critical development phase but even then I can count on one hand the number of drinks Ive had, all wine, mostly sparkling :) I had a glass of champagne on my little sister 21st and I thought I was in heaven :)

Ive never drank enough that I wouldnt be able to drive legally. And I have left half a glass sometimes when I felt like Id had enough. The only exception was the week OHs car broke and I was driving him around and then his dad ended up in hospital with suspected stroke. Its was a lonnnng old week and by the time I got to my parents I had a bath came down and demanded a glass of wine!
I am and always have been a big drinker, I just love larger! I don't particularly drink to get drunk I just love the stuff! I had the odd drink with my first pregnancy, one or two more odd drinks with my second child (all after 20 weeks) I also quit smoking with the first 2. My last pregnancy I couldn't/didn't quit smoking and IMO drank a little too much. I would have one or two cans of larger about 3 times a week. Again it was after 20 weeks and I never got drunk but it was still bad crack. I suppose in the past our mothers and grandmothers would have drank more but it is still wrong cc
I stopped smoking when I found out I was pg and drinking too except for my birthday in february I had a vodka lemon lime (my absolute favourite next to a ice cold pint) but I only had a sip and felt really guilty so gave it away to my friend. I don't have anythig against anyone else doing it though as you see people doing I all the time that have babies that turn out perfect :) xxx
I am and always have been a big drinker, I just love larger! I don't particularly drink to get drunk I just love the stuff! I had the odd drink with my first pregnancy, one or two more odd drinks with my second child (all after 20 weeks) I also quit smoking with the first 2. My last pregnancy I couldn't/didn't quit smoking and IMO drank a little too much. I would have one or two cans of larger about 3 times a week. Again it was after 20 weeks and I never got drunk but it was still bad crack. I suppose in the past our mothers and grandmothers would have drank more but it is still wrong cc

Very honest Toon but then again it just goes to show that you can still have a healthy bubba! :)
I don't really drink much anyway, but boy am I craving Bristol cream sherry!!!!! I really, really want some! Lol
I've had one glass of wine - last week on my birthday - really enjoyed it but didn't want anymore than one. I'll have another treat this weekend on our anniversary. I'll make it a v. expensive glass of wine and then saviour it all night!
i used to drink every weekend before and was a typical binge drinker but since finding out am pregnant havnt touched a drop and will stay like that !! xx
Still wanna know who voted that they get merry! heh

I am still smoking though not as much as the smell.. Ew. But drinking wise ive stopped except for a SoCo7 a couple weeks back at a fundraiser, It was really really boring.

But thats good for me considering in december my doctor said I was probably an alcoholic
I also now want a shandy.. but with vanilla icecream in it... Hmph. Dont have lemonade or lagar, or ice cream. Fail
My Mum got pregnant with my sister like a few weeks after the coil was put it. She didnt have periods but put it down to the coil so didnt realise she was pregnant until about 18 weeks. And she was really worried cos they had been to 2 wedding and had family staying from australia and sunk loads of vino. My sister's fine. She's just got a 2:1 from her 2nd year at uni. Shes a party animal too, and was really close to getting a first aparently! I had ot work my socks off and got a 2:2, and my mum was t total pregnant with me...go figure!!!
Lol, yeah I mean people get drunk when they don't know their pregnant! Jacobs fathers Mum once told me when she found out she was pregnant with him that she went to the doctors panicing because she'd got absolutely sh*tfaced several times before she knew she was pregnant, he came out fine apart from being a knob obviously :lol: lol

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