Alcohol whilst pregnant, your views?

oohhh i love that little strawberry whats the code?! lmao xx
Right click it and copy the url I got it off TinyPic :D lol x


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yeah i've not had a drink yet (unsure of whether to during breastfeeding?) strawberry wine would be perfect to have tho! i've bought 2 bottles of drink to have on a rainy day! a strawberry beer (fruli) and a strawberry cider.. can you see a pattern here?!?!

Strawberry ANYTHING is yummy! :-) I like the strawberry wine they do in Cornwall! Got 2 bottles while we were down there for when after bubs arrives! :D Xx
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aw can you only get it in cornwall?? gutted :( will have to travel down there! lmao xxx
Not for me, then if something happened to baby, It's one less thing that I can't blame myself for
aww road trip, that would be soo good! just to get strawberry wine, woo!! xxx
If our parents drank and smoked and it seemed fine then why are we raising a nation of alcoholics and addicts. This is from someone who hasnt had a drink for nearly 6 years, I am not speaking from a judgemental place but from experience..... some people cant moderate. Another point is why would you want to put something in your body that could/may do some harm to your precious cargo. That is purely my opinion and do not wish anyone offense.

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