Views on alcohol while pregnant.

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giving your baby straight alcohol from a bottle is totally different from having one glass of champagne

first of all feeding a baby alcohol through a bottle is illegal.

second, feeding a bottle of alcohol into your babys mouth is obviously more concentrated than if you have a glass of champers lol..

but im unsubscribing lol i could debate allllll day .. and .. its just too hot to be sitting debating on a forum :wave:
I had an ice cold alcohol free beer on the balcony last night - didn't even notice the difference :lol: :lol:


I did this last night but was proper worried the neighbours would think I was drinking so kept loudly throwing out the phrase "alcohol free"

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

Ha ha ha. I'd totally do that too! A customer at work said she had appletiser in a wine glass at a work do and a woman came up to her telling her she ought to be ashamed drinking alcohol. The poor girl was speechless! Xx
I did this last night but was proper worried the neighbours would think I was drinking so kept loudly throwing out the phrase "alcohol free"

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

I drink my cordial from a wine glass, it looks like Rose - whoops didn't even think what the neighbours or guest we have would think :shock: :shock:

you should remember all you take in passes over the placenta..............your choice? youir baby wil get some of it albeit a tiny amount is it worth it!

just abstain for 9 months its not that long?????? i dont see how people have a problem and I love a drink but wouldnt even think of it when pregnant
I used to drink a LOT as it masked my back pain.

However I've not touched a drop for 2 months so another 8 to 9 months wont hurt. It's just not worth the risk.
The thing that gets me more than people having 1 drink for a special occasion when pregnant etc is people that smoke whilst pregnant.... Sorry but that does far more harm to the baby than a glass of champers...
I haven't had any alcohol during the pregnancy - but in the sunshine, I've really missed a glass of wine and it's strange because prior to being pregnant I very very rarely drank. Hubby and I went out for dinner - sat on terrace at Italian restaurant, he had a big glass of wine which smelled amazing - and I had a sparkling water, but actually in the heat - he regretted his drink later on.
The thing that gets me more than people having 1 drink for a special occasion when pregnant etc is people that smoke whilst pregnant.... Sorry but that does far more harm to the baby than a glass of champers...

Please can we not re-open the 'smoking whilst pregnant' discussion. We all know where it ends up :wall2:
smoking/drinking same thing IMO

just dont do it, start smoking again and get arseholed if you want when baby is here, 9 months isnt long to give it up
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I see the effects of foetal alcohol syndrome every day! My friend drunk loads! Her son has all the symptoms of FAS but hasn't been diagnosed!
smoking/drinking same thing IMO

just dont do it, start smoking again and get arseholed if you want when baby is here, 9 months isnt long to give it up

Totally agree.

Its not THAT long in the grand scheme of things, so it really should be a no brainer. U have to be 18 to drink legally, so why feed it to ur baby?!

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Well said jay jay x

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I don't drink at all so not drinking in pregnancy would be no different for me, however, my friend didn't know she was pregnant so she did everything that she shouldnt have, including going out and getting drunk. She has the most perfect little girl.
I drank very little but was drinking a couple of beers the day before I found out my BFP, had been trying for 2 years so had kind of given up that anything was going to happen, hopefully no lasting damage, baby would only have been 10 days old
Loads of friends of mine were the same and they found out much later, nowt wrong with their children
Mind you we have other things to deal with apart from beer damage :shock:

Off to the Beer Festival tonight, luckily going with 2 other friends who don't drink alcohol, just hoping they do some nice non alcoholic drinks for us
I also find I'm drinking 'virgin' cocktails more; much more interesting than lemonade and OJ :)
This thread is starting to bore me now.
Even though I started it...

Everyones entitled to their own opinions...
As other ladies have said theres no evidence to support that alcohol while pregnant (I mean like the odd one in a blue moon) has an affect on the baby, and theres no evidence to support that it doesnt cause harm to the baby.

Not being funny, but as people have said, girls that drank a few days before their BFP would have carried on drinking if they didn't feel the need to do a pregnancy test, and it didn't worry them then!

Yes, I agree, it's ONLY 9 months, and I don't ever drink usually even when I'm not pregnant, only probably once, twice a year at the most..
But still, if I fancy a half a cider, with lemonade of an evening. Why the fuck shouldn't i!?
My baby is a perfect baby, healthy in every way possible. It's not ALL of the alcohol I take in (if I want to) that the baby gets.. it's a tiny tiny fraction, if that!
Just think of the other dangers there are around that can harm the baby... Being around people who smoke weed, etc, being around people that smoke in general...
Drinking lucozade and red bull while pregnant is bad for the baby as it increases the baby's heartbeat.. etc etc..

Just think, before all this bollocks that the media bring up, 20-30-40 years ago, ladies smoked 40 a day, drank god knows how much, ate whatever they wanted to eat, did everything we've been advised NOT to do... And look, our parents turned out to be healthy babies?! Whats the problem!?
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This thread is starting to bore me now.
Even though I started it...

Everyones entitled to their own opinions...
As other ladies have said theres no evidence to support that alcohol while pregnant (I mean like the odd one in a blue moon) has an affect on the baby, and theres no evidence to support that it doesnt cause harm to the baby.

Not being funny, but as people have said, girls that drank a few days before their BFP would have carried on drinking if they didn't feel the need to do a pregnancy test, and it didn't worry them then!

Yes, I agree, it's ONLY 9 months, and I don't ever drink usually even when I'm not pregnant, only probably once, twice a year at the most..
But still, if I fancy a half a cider, with lemonade of an evening. Why the fuck shouldn't i!?
My baby is a perfect baby, healthy in every way possible. It's not ALL of the alcohol I take in (if I want to) that the baby gets.. it's a tiny tiny fraction, if that!
Just think of the other dangers there are around that can harm the baby... Being around people who smoke weed, etc, being around people that smoke in general...
Drinking lucozade and red bull while pregnant is bad for the baby as it increases the baby's heartbeat.. etc etc..

Just think, before all this bollocks that the media bring up, 20-30-40 years ago, ladies smoked 40 a day, drank god knows how much, ate whatever they wanted to eat, did everything we've been advised NOT to do... And look, our parents turned out to be healthy babies?! Whats the problem!?

My mum drank with me and theres nuffin wrong with me... one legs smaller then the other so that not too bad and i have a twitch but other then that id say im normal LMAO....
Seriously though... reading this and everyone getting vented up n all hormone like is silly... We can do what we like its our children...How many of you have eaten prawns?? Your not allowed at all... How many of you had cream cheese? Thats bad for the baby too... See so many guidelines how is your baby suppose to pick up an immune system and grow strong if its only lived on bread - As thats all my midwife said i should eat to feel safe (think she was joking)
:lol: A strong glass of vodka is fine sarah lol... Im joking!!! ill :x now lol xx
This thread is starting to bore me now.
Even though I started it...

Everyones entitled to their own opinions...
As other ladies have said theres no evidence to support that alcohol while pregnant (I mean like the odd one in a blue moon) has an affect on the baby, and theres no evidence to support that it doesnt cause harm to the baby.

Not being funny, but as people have said, girls that drank a few days before their BFP would have carried on drinking if they didn't feel the need to do a pregnancy test, and it didn't worry them then!

Yes, I agree, it's ONLY 9 months, and I don't ever drink usually even when I'm not pregnant, only probably once, twice a year at the most..
But still, if I fancy a half a cider, with lemonade of an evening. Why the fuck shouldn't i!?
My baby is a perfect baby, healthy in every way possible. It's not ALL of the alcohol I take in (if I want to) that the baby gets.. it's a tiny tiny fraction, if that!
Just think of the other dangers there are around that can harm the baby... Being around people who smoke weed, etc, being around people that smoke in general...
Drinking lucozade and red bull while pregnant is bad for the baby as it increases the baby's heartbeat.. etc etc..

Just think, before all this bollocks that the media bring up, 20-30-40 years ago, ladies smoked 40 a day, drank god knows how much, ate whatever they wanted to eat, did everything we've been advised NOT to do... And look, our parents turned out to be healthy babies?! Whats the problem!?

My mum drank with me and theres nuffin wrong with me... one legs smaller then the other so that not too bad and i have a twitch but other then that id say im normal LMAO....
Seriously though... reading this and everyone getting vented up n all hormone like is silly... We can do what we like its our children...How many of you have eaten prawns?? Your not allowed at all... How many of you had cream cheese? Thats bad for the baby too... See so many guidelines how is your baby suppose to pick up an immune system and grow strong if its only lived on bread - As thats all my midwife said i should eat to feel safe (think she was joking)
:lol: A strong glass of vodka is fine sarah lol... Im joking!!! ill :x now lol xx


I wouldn't say that you're normal following your mums drinking habits while pregnant with you ;) :whistle:
Well said ladies, we think it's ok to blur the lines about what we eat but frown at alcohol. We are all adults and make our own decisions! I think hat was a great final word on the matter! Xx
Umm not to start an argument ... But "cream cheese" like Philli etc is fine as its pasteurised ... It's "soft cheese" that isnt pasteurised that is considered unsafe

And no I haven't eaten anything that I have been advised against eating during pregnancy ... 9 months is a dip in the pond as far as I'm concerned.

Would I like a beer or a cold glass f wine on these sunny days we are getting ... Yes ... Do i need one? ... Nope Appletiser all way!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
This thread is starting to bore me now.
Even though I started it...

Everyones entitled to their own opinions...
As other ladies have said theres no evidence to support that alcohol while pregnant (I mean like the odd one in a blue moon) has an affect on the baby, and theres no evidence to support that it doesnt cause harm to the baby.

Not being funny, but as people have said, girls that drank a few days before their BFP would have carried on drinking if they didn't feel the need to do a pregnancy test, and it didn't worry them then!

Yes, I agree, it's ONLY 9 months, and I don't ever drink usually even when I'm not pregnant, only probably once, twice a year at the most..
But still, if I fancy a half a cider, with lemonade of an evening. Why the fuck shouldn't i!?
My baby is a perfect baby, healthy in every way possible. It's not ALL of the alcohol I take in (if I want to) that the baby gets.. it's a tiny tiny fraction, if that!
Just think of the other dangers there are around that can harm the baby... Being around people who smoke weed, etc, being around people that smoke in general...
Drinking lucozade and red bull while pregnant is bad for the baby as it increases the baby's heartbeat.. etc etc..

Just think, before all this bollocks that the media bring up, 20-30-40 years ago, ladies smoked 40 a day, drank god knows how much, ate whatever they wanted to eat, did everything we've been advised NOT to do... And look, our parents turned out to be healthy babies?! Whats the problem!?

Its bored me aswell..

Well said :)
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