I stopped completely once I found out I was pregnant but at about 4 months I saw my uncle who is a GP and he told me that after 16 weeks you can happily have 2-3 glasses of wine 2 or 3 times a week and it will do absolutely no harm to the baby as all it's vital organs are formed by then. He said that the strict guidelines as per usual are there for the (in his words) 'idiot minority' who have no idea of what is sensible. Since then I've had about 2-3 small spritzers with lemonade a week if I fancy it i.e. less than half of a small glass of white wine and then topped up with lemonade.
I don't feel at all bad about it as I'm confident that the tiny amount of alcohol I am having is not affecting the baby in a negative way and now I don't feel I'm missing out.
good opinion hun, wish i had a GP uncle! he could secure my every worry (bit of a hyperchondric