Views on alcohol while pregnant.

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well i just spent the afternoon in a beer garden, and i had half a pint of cider shandy! and it was lush. And i dont feel guilty about it. And I dont "have a problem" and it would have not absolutely NO HARM to baby.

i would normally have polished off a nice cold bottle of wine by now. A little of what you fancy does you good.


:dance: IM JEL

what a day for a beer garden!

well said :)
so jealous, i could kill for a glass of pimms and lemonade lol, x
My mw told me to check the labels carefully as 'non alcoholic' can legally have up to 0.5% of alcohol in it. She also said in alcoholic beer and wine that are alcohol removed will still have small traces. That said I'm not interested in any of it at the moment it's not at all appealing. That said on your wedding day/special occasion etc if your past tri 1 I think it's your choice and you're not some horrible immoral person to have 1 glass.

this is old obviously, but this says about the glass of wine a day so I knew I did hear it right, I thought I just made that up when I seen your reply nat lol!

Just saw where the link was to, the daily mail is not a good source of info, it probably picks up on the latest study, and on balance, it can be misleading to say its healthy to drink daily. especially as 1 unit is a very small glass on wine an hard to measure at home.

OH just said he fancied the evening in a beer garden, have to explore the alcohol free options for that maybe! :)
I won't be drinking during my pregnancy. Do be fair I didnt drink that often before I was pregnant. When I was 5 weeks, three days before I had my positive test I went out and deep down although I had received a negative pregnancy test the week before, I knew I was pregnant so I didn't drink at all. Was with family and I think they were suspicious then but didn't say anything.
I'm sure though an odd drink wouldnt cause a problem but personally I won't be doing it. My sister was ttc for 2 years and when she found out she was pregnant the night before she had been out and drunk loads and she had a healthy 10lb4 baby who is turning 10 in a few weeks.
I agree with all u ladies too it's not worth it and it's not the end of the world missin out on a fee drinks for a few months.
Although I am liking the sound of this alcohol free kopparberg!!! Where can I buy this?!!! Xxx
i have avoided alcohol since i found out i wa pregnant,i dont like the thought of alcohol pasing through to my baby,although i cant wait for a nice cold jd and coke after my lo is born!i had a very bad cough and sore throat a few month ago and would'nt even take cough medicine as it contained alcohol!
as i say each to their own everyone has their own persnal choice and this is mine :D
I'm another one avoiding alcohol. To be honest, before my BFP I was drinking most evenings, not excessively, but enough to want to cut back. I'm seeing it as a really good discipline to go 9 months teetotal, although most days I have an "I could kill for a glass of wine" moment!! Ah well, 5 months to go... :D
well i just spent the afternoon in a beer garden, and i had half a pint of cider shandy! and it was lush. And i dont feel guilty about it. And I dont "have a problem" and it would have not absolutely NO HARM to baby.

i would normally have polished off a nice cold bottle of wine by now. A little of what you fancy does you good.


Well said babe :D

I am here:
I respect the fact that everyone should decide for the,selves. Before getting pregnant I was a 2 glasses of wine a night girl some thought I'd miss it but actually I just miss drinking something from a nice glass! Now I can drink fruity fizzy water from a champagne glass and be quite happy! I've secretly been very impressed with myself and may not go back to drinking (I said may not...) xx
I was never a big drinker before pregnancy, but strangely one of my cravings has been a nice cold pint of lager (Always hated the taste)! But, like most of the ladies have said, drinking during pregnancy for me is a big no no! So I've settled for non-alcoholic lager :D & I think I'm gonna give the alcohol free kopparbergs a try too! xx
I didn't really drink much before I was pregnant, so giving it up completely hasn't been a problem for me at all. I've not had a drink since October, and I don't plan on having one until I've stopped breast feeding, whenever that may be!

I'm a little worried that when I do start drinking again all it's going to take is one sip and I'll be on the floor :lol:
I don't think there's.anything wrong with the occasional drink. However, as advice is so varied on this subject and even scientists don't know the full effect I didn't drink.

I just think, its only nine months. It wasn't gonna kill me not to have a drink x

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I didn't really drink much before I was pregnant, so giving it up completely hasn't been a problem for me at all. I've not had a drink since October, and I don't plan on having one until I've stopped breast feeding, whenever that may be!

I'm a little worried that when I do start drinking again all it's going to take is one sip and I'll be on the floor :lol:

After my DD I had one drink and was quite tipsy lmao. Can't remember after DS as I wasn't fussed. Again I don't plan on having a drink this time and haven't either time before but if someone has something to celebrate I might have a little glass of bubbly with them x

I am totally against the idea of drinking during pregnancy. Its ok for people to say '1 glass does no harm' - but how do we really know? Did the baby tell u?

One glass of wine is enough to get me tipsy if I haven't had a drink for a while, so I don't even want to imagine what 1 glass of wine does to an unborn baby. And I would never force alcohol into my baby's body x

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Any doctors I know have all drank when pregnant. Basically what they say is that a glass of wine or so a few times a week does no harm at all to the baby, but its better to tell people not to drink because a lot of the general public arent any good at limiting their intake.
Personally I choose not to drink at all during pregnancy, because I know if anything was to be wrong with my lo, I would always wonder if it was my fault because I drank. A few months without a drink seems a small sacrifice to make for my lo.
Any doctors I know have all drank when pregnant. Basically what they say is that a glass of wine or so a few times a week does no harm at all to the baby, but its better to tell people not to drink because a lot of the general public arent any good at limiting their intake.
Personally I choose not to drink at all during pregnancy, because I know if anything was to be wrong with my lo, I would always wonder if it was my fault because I drank. A few months without a drink seems a small sacrifice to make for my lo.

There's actually no concrete evidence to support that it's safe because there are so many diffrent variables when it comes to a developing baby. Every baby is difrerent, some may be harmed, some not. Whilst it may be the case (and it very likely might be) that one glass does no harm, why take the risk - doctors should know this I think x

I'm the same as you, I just couldnt take the risk, theres so much unknown and what if something did go wrong! I'd always wonder x
I had an ice cold alcohol free beer on the balcony last night - didn't even notice the difference :lol: :lol:


I did this last night but was proper worried the neighbours would think I was drinking so kept loudly throwing out the phrase "alcohol free"

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I had an ice cold alcohol free beer on the balcony last night - didn't even notice the difference :lol: :lol:


I did this last night but was proper worried the neighbours would think I was drinking so kept loudly throwing out the phrase "alcohol free"

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

I had a works do the other night, and was drinking elderflower stuff from a wine glass. Every time someone glanced at it I spluttered out "it's not wine!"

I don't judge those who drink, and I can see that it would probably do no harm if just occasional. But I have chosen not to as I don't want to take the risk, and I think I'd find it hard hard to limit my intake, so I choose to draw the line right back. I also worry as I think at different times of baby's development, alcohol can be more harmful than others, and without knowing exactly when those times are, I don't want to gamble.

But, to those are are drinking - have one for me! :D
Yeppp like i already posted would you give it your baby in a bottle? ...
However after yesterdays scorcher! And me having a craving for a fruity cider taste the non alcoholic fruit punch did the shizzzz :)
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