xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Updates from Lacey so far...

Hi ladies,

I have the very exciting job of letting you all know that LaceyKeo started induction earlier today! Here are the updates so far...

4pm today...Booked in, finally.
Tablet inserted at 2, had a nap. Now in the cafe havin some food. Due to be checked again around 8pm, unless anything happens before then.

Just back on the monitor now, then I'll be checked in about half hour to see if I've dialated at all. If so, good. If not, second tablet.

Contractions started soon after,

9.45 pm....

Just been checked.

Contractions coming pretty regular, dilating 3-4cm. Waiting to hear about going down to labour ward now xx

Eek!! Will update as and when I know more!
Baby girl born at 12:28am on Sun 14th, weighing 5lb 6oz. 2 hours 45 minutes in labour with G&A and pethadine cause I'm a big pain-fairy.
Two small grazes, no tearing at all.
Breastfed, eaten well.
Will be in hospital for next 24 hours to monitor her blood sugar levels with her being so small.

Freaking exhausted, but so overjoyed to have her here safe and sound. Xx
Excited for all of you :) we are creeping towards Tri 3 so thought I would peek in and see how everyone was doing, looking good ladies :)
Scary how fast it goes
Yet seems like your pregnant forever lol

Being induced Tuesday if lo doesn't come before &#55357;&#56833; x
Will be stalking this thread for baby arrivals. So excited for all the July Mummies X

Michelle X
Our poor thread has been totally neglected for facebook! Lol x
Ah no use the thread July mummies! We need some lovely baby stories to keep us going! X
Woohooooooo July :D I thought you would never arrive!!! Come on my lovely July ladies.....puuuuuuuuuuuush ;)
Yay July is here!! Please update us on here ladies! And then its us August mummies turn! - although there will be a few born in July. Eeeek. This is so exciting. Get pushing ! Xx
Keep us updated ladies, can't wait to hear of all the July babies arriving!

Well, y'all know I had my sprog at 37+1 thanks to the lovely BonzE updating for me, so I'll drop a pic in for you :) xx


This is baby Chloe just a couple days old. She's now 17 days an doing fab :love:
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Awww she's gorgeous !

Just popping over from septemeber mummies to say I'm so excited to see all your baby's being born. Lots of luck and hope your coping in this heat xxxxxx
39 weeks today for me. Only 1 more week until due date. How exciting!!? Congrats to us July mummies-it's finally July and we can all start having our babies now!! Bringin baby twinkle xx

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