xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Wow congrats what a chunk. Hope you have a speedy recovery x
Finally got round to writing up my labour thread
Only 2 weeks late lol
Newborns sure keep you busy

Here goes..

Baby Ava born 27th June at 8:58pm weighing 9lbs on the dot

After 4 episodes of fetal reduced movement the hospital decided to induce me on my due date which would of been the 30th June
In the mean time I was to travel to hospital every 3 days for the week running up to being induced to be placed on the monitor to make sure all was ok with baby

Saturday 27th June I attended my hospital appointment with my oh and lo as it was just for a monitoring and possible 3rd sweep
Monitoring went really well and oh and lo went to get a drink while the midwife did my 3rd sweep
I was worried when I looked at her face and then she said... Your already 5cms dilated
I was then told that I was unable to go home because of this and would be passed over to labour suite to receive my anti biotics as I am a carrier of GBS (group b strep) which I found out about on a one off swab taken at 18 weeks of pregnancy

I then went to tell my oh and we made plans for lo to be picked up by family
Once he had been picked up I had a cannula put in (ouch!!!) and then went to labour suite for my first dose of anti biotics and hopefully only dose!

My midwife had the doctor come see me and they discussed what the plan would be as I was and had been having regular tightenings also for over 4 weeks
They came to the decision that once I had received my anti biotics and had the two hour wait they would look to break my waters... So that took me to 4pm

The anti biotics took 30 mins so by this time we had been at the hospital for 5 hours my first appointment was at 9:30am... This was becoming a long scary but exciting day

The anti biotics stung so much when they went in and I really hated the cannula it was soooo painful
But that was it all done and now a 2 hour wait
The midwife told us to have a walk stay active and see if I could get labour started... 2 hours later and still no change if anything the tightenings we slowing off
Unfortunately at that time when I was meant to be checked and have my waters broken another lady came into labour suite in full blown labour so my midwife had to leave us for a while
By the time she came back it was too late for her to start me off so I had to wait to be handed over to another midwife

7pm came and I had 2 new midwifes well one and a trainee but they were both lovely
I was checked at 7:30pm to which j was then 7cms dilated and my waters were broken

Within 15 mins I was having full blown contractions and decided to go for gas and air
After 30 mins and the pains getting stronger and stronger I asked for more pain relief diamorphine
She told me I would need to be checked and see how things are progressing
She checked me and the next thing she asked me to give a push into my bottom and then that was it
Push push push
After about 6 or 7 pushes baby Ava arrived happy and healthy

All in all my labour was 1 hour 30 mins and all with gas and air

Such an amazing experience for my second labour

I couldn't have done it that quick without listening to my two midwifes
If I could give any advice please listen to them despite the pain and stress they will help you the best they can and safest way they can for you and baby there amazing and I am forever grateful for the care they gave me and Ava

Lovely story ! Thanks for sharing - congratulations on your little one x x x
Lovely birth story! Congratulations.....

Today is my due date and not even a twinge....getting impatient!
That's a great labour story! Congratulations once again!! Xx
Lexi, I thought your due date was the 6th?

I was hoping you'd be having squishyhugs by now :(

How you feeling hon? Xx was the 6th...until 9 weeks ago when i returned to the Uk..scans read different...been frustrating...but hey..end is here!
Typical. All set for one date then they go change it.

Keep us updated :) xx
About time that I did an update :)
So 11pm Sunday night I started with period pains thought nothing of it 1 am came I was in more pain rang up they said to monitor and to phone back if they get unbearable well 1:40am I was back on the phone in agony was told to go through and get checked out thinking I will be coming home. Well we got DD sorted for somebody to come watch her while she was asleep got in the car and we arrived at the hospital at 2:40am she checked me over and while examining me she was shocked to see I was 5cm anyways while she was faffing about examining me his heart rate plunged and I thought at that ver point I was coming home with no baby his heart rate wasn't showing but she was reassuring me that there was something there still.
Doctors came rushing in the room filled up was told I they were breaking my waters and I going to push, they tried forceps, suction cup the lot everything happens so fast but felt like a lifetime. They had to use forceps, suction cup hands you name it. I had to be cut down bellow to allow baby to come out. It hurt like hell I was only on gas and air. He was Born at 3:29am weighing 8lbs 15oz no wonder it hurt lol

I had a labour that is called "shoulder dystocia" my baby came out blue luckily he didn't need reviving he was ok I'm so thankful to the midwives and doctors to how quick they acted and got my baby boy here safely.

Once baby was out they checked me over I had lost a lot of blood it just kept gushing I lost a total 1.1lrts of blood a bit of the placenta had broken off and was causing the trouble they got that out eventually. I was catheterised I had two IVs two drips in one arm and another in my left.
All this happened in the pregnancy assessment unit I was then transferred to the labour room with my baby where I was continuously monitored I ended up with the shivers so they had to do my drip through a warmer.
I was kept in overnight was given my own room too we came home Tuesday evening. I'm in agony with my coccyx's and now my milk is coming in I'm on iron tablets and a course of antibiotics. Baby is doing great but he may have mild tongue tie which may add to him not latching on but as long as he's happy I am.
That sounds like a rough time Angela I'm glad baby came safely though. My sister had 2 babies with shoulder dystocia hun, so I know it can be quite rough going getting baby put. Congratulations! Xxx

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