About time that I did an update
So 11pm Sunday night I started with period pains thought nothing of it 1 am came I was in more pain rang up they said to monitor and to phone back if they get unbearable well 1:40am I was back on the phone in agony was told to go through and get checked out thinking I will be coming home. Well we got DD sorted for somebody to come watch her while she was asleep got in the car and we arrived at the hospital at 2:40am she checked me over and while examining me she was shocked to see I was 5cm anyways while she was faffing about examining me his heart rate plunged and I thought at that ver point I was coming home with no baby his heart rate wasn't showing but she was reassuring me that there was something there still.
Doctors came rushing in the room filled up was told I they were breaking my waters and I going to push, they tried forceps, suction cup the lot everything happens so fast but felt like a lifetime. They had to use forceps, suction cup hands you name it. I had to be cut down bellow to allow baby to come out. It hurt like hell I was only on gas and air. He was Born at 3:29am weighing 8lbs 15oz no wonder it hurt lol
I had a labour that is called "shoulder dystocia" my baby came out blue luckily he didn't need reviving he was ok I'm so thankful to the midwives and doctors to how quick they acted and got my baby boy here safely.
Once baby was out they checked me over I had lost a lot of blood it just kept gushing I lost a total 1.1lrts of blood a bit of the placenta had broken off and was causing the trouble they got that out eventually. I was catheterised I had two IVs two drips in one arm and another in my left.
All this happened in the pregnancy assessment unit I was then transferred to the labour room with my baby where I was continuously monitored I ended up with the shivers so they had to do my drip through a warmer.
I was kept in overnight was given my own room too we came home Tuesday evening. I'm in agony with my coccyx's and now my milk is coming in I'm on iron tablets and a course of antibiotics. Baby is doing great but he may have mild tongue tie which may add to him not latching on but as long as he's happy I am.