xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Im officially scared now lol only 6 weeks left and lots of babies coming early eeeekkkk x
Hi ladies,

I found out last week that I will be getting induced due to having obstetric cholestasis. Will be induced at 37 weeks but not yet been given a date, I'm guessing around July 17th. I'm so nervous xx
Ladieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees it's nearly our turn!!!!! Eeeeek :D
I had the realisation yesterday...I'm going to havea. Baby!
Eeekkkk not long now so man June babies coming now too x
I keep lurking in here, sorry girls haha, I feel like such an outsider and still an August mummy although he will definitely be arriving in July. It's so scary.

For those of you that don't know, I'm suffering from obstetric cholestasis and unfortunately my bile acids are rising, so the doctor today told me that they may induce me even before 37 weeks. I feel so uneasy not having a due date anymore lol. Can't wait until some of your babies start arriving xx
Aww lulu sorry to hear your having a hard time
How exciting that your baby will be here soon tho
Wish you all the best hun x

Here it is.

Induction day... :/

Fingers crossed all goes well, and, I'm sorry to all you ladies due before me for barging on through.
I honestly never expected a June baby.

Lulu, you're more than welcome to lurk hon. I'm being induced today bang on 37w due to low weight and reduced movement. I hope things settle for you xx
Oh Laceykeo...keeping everything x for you. Sorry been quiet...I do not do fb at all tried but just not me....good luck
Hope everything goes well Laceykeo, suppose July babies will start arriving anytime too! Exciting times ! X
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Good luck Lacey. I'm really intruiged to see how your induction goes as I'll be induced at 37 weeks too. Just think, you won't be going home without a baby, eeeek xxx

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