xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

If you go to the main page and scroll all the way down to user groups it's there :) click the request access
GTT long were you at hosp for? Mines at 830 tomorrow but have docs appt at 1120......plenty of time right? Xxxx
I had an 8:30 appt and left at 11:00, but they also did my 28 week checks while I was there. My friend here had hers yesterday, they had some emergencies in and her first blood test didn't happen until nearly 10am. Good luck?
I was aloud to leave the hospital after the first bloods as long as I was back at the hospital in time for the second bloods
Heads up ladies boots baby and toddler event starts 29th april :) instore and online
I feel that we keep abandoning this page. I'm loving our FB page though-it's so much easier to keep on top of!!xx
Yeah it's kind of quiet now isn't it
Love the fb page tho x
I was thinking the same thing. It's gone so quiet in here now! The fb page is great. I can't access PF very well on my phone so fb is much easier xx
I think it can get a bit confusing on here cause there's often a few different conversations going on all in the one thread, whereas FB is each convo seperate.

Still not got everyone in the FB group though. Xx
Lexi, Roxy, AnotherYou, and scottishlass still missing xx
Omg sorry, I really need to catch up and keep up!!! what is the Fb page called?
You won't be able to find it hun it's a private page so need inviting
If you want message me your name and profile pic details for Facebook and I can add you x
Wow... Call and they shall appear... :)

Where we at with getting scottishlass in?

Lexi, can you PM your FB email to Laura so she can add you?

Nope not found you yet scottishlass hun
Can you send details to lacey see if she has any more luck than me x
I'm 27 weeks today. Does that mean I can officially move over?! X
Congrats mrs O :)

I think Lola should be moving over next weekend, then that's everyone.

30w for me today... :shock: xx

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