Happy 30 weeks BonzE! I am officially with you ladies over here on Friday I can't wait to finish work either, I feel like I have zero tolerance for people ATM lol I'm soooo short tempered with my colleagues. They are probably just as eager to get rid of me as I am to leave haha!!
Hi Ladies
I'm back in the land of the living after being off the radar for a while!
Been in the Lakes this weekend with the Family and it was lovely very relaxing & lots of fun!
Surprised myself with how much walking I could actually do! Saturday we did 8 miles and Sunday we did 4 miles!
I do swim 3 times a week which keeps my fitness up a bit but I thought I might struggle with the walking (especially the with the MIL who walks really fast!) I slept so well as well with all the fresh air and excercise!
Me & OH got a little glimpse in to the future as well with our little neice Ruby (2) every morning she would pad in to our room and get in to bed with us for a cuddle it was so sweet, she'd give us both a cuddle and a kiss and just lay there happy as anything talking away! I was gutted this morning when I had to get up for work and didn't have her to cuddle!
Hope everyone else is doing well? I noticed a few of you have reached the 30 week point! Scary & exciting all at the same time!
Paying for all that walking now though with the period type pains in my back! Think my body is telling me to slow down a bit!
I'll give my self a rest tonight and not go swimming and just lay on the sofa and be waited on (hahaha chance would be a fine thing!)
Bit peed off with OH actually coz yesterday I felt rotten, my back was bad and the pains were coming in waves so MW advised to go home and rest and to take paracetamol & if it got worse to phone the hospital to get checked as it could potentially be serious and I could be in early labour, so I did that - let OH know I was on my way home and then when he got home he didn't even give me any sympathy and said I better get used to stuff like this as it's probably a normal pregnancy symptom and I'll be fine Oh really when was the last time he was pregnant?!! Honestly I could of cried I felt so rotten!
Thank fully I got some sympathy and a nice hug off my mum who came round to check on me! Honestly MEN!!
My theory is no uterus no opinion!!
Sorry your OH was a fanny Boosh. Mine is actually being really lovely at the minute. Sure it won't be long before he does something to annoy me though. He's at the pub tomorrow night so returning home drunk and wanting to share a kebab at 1am will no doubt pee me off x
Men haven't a clue my OH has annoyed me expecting me to do everything my back is killing me, Ive hoovered, tidied, washed up put away ect. Nice long soak and bed for me feeling sorry for myself
Anyone else feeling rather fed up now
I can honestly say that pregnancy is getting to me now
I can hardly breath and my bump is killing my back
9'weeks to go yet
How will I cope x
I'm a bit fed up but only coz I'm bored of waiting to meet baby. It takes too looong to grow a human!
I'd also like to be able to sleep without having to shove pillows under my tummy and legs.x
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