xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Hi ladies!

Loving the fb group, such a good idea :)

Baby is wriggling about so much recently. I think she's still head down with her little butt sticking up near my ribs. My bump is all wonky!

Hope your 28w appointments go well tomorrow, Jenny and Claire xx
Me and my brother in a car making weird hand signs smiling! He had just won a rally!! Thank you x
GTT for me tomorrow. MW Thursday. NCT classes starting this week.
Just had my last visit to parents until LO is due. So strange Mum saying that next time she sees me we should be parents. OMFG.
Loretta... You not on this FB group yet?

I have my GTT tomorrow too. Can't eat anything after 9pm, which is fine for tonight but will be horrible missing breakfast. Xx
Been away this weekend. Have PMd my details to Claire to be added. Feel like I'm missing out!?
Ladies who have there GTT tomorrow remember no drinks and when it says sips of water it does mean only "sips" she said to me I hope you haven't drank a lot of water or I won't be able to do the test.

Off shopping once LOs asleep and I'm going to have a good browse through the baby and toddler event bits :)
Hope you get some nice bargins Angela

I'm so excited I have my bed back up yay!!!! Roll on bed time lol how sad am I ha ha
At least I can roll out of bed now with this bump rather than have to drag myself off the floor lol x
Bonze...add3d you as a friend. Accept then i can add you to group.
Loretta -ive found you but wont let me add you. Ive messaged you my details so add me as a friend then we can add you to the group xxxx
72 newborn nappies £8 not bad
Can somebody add me to the group I don't really use fb though
72 pack of newborn nappies pampers are 2 for £15 at tesco at the moment
Have size 1 up to 5 too :) x
It was asda bonze :)
Oh poop should of shopped at tesco but still a good price as asda is just round the corner from us hehe

Erm things just got real I just read that a June baby has came already how scary
Omg! A June baby arrived
I've missed It
My baby is due 30th June that's scary x
Scottishlass, if you PM Laura or Claire your email address that you use for FB, they can add you from there.

(I'm a FB failure... Never use the thing normally) xx

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