xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Toni if you've exchanged how come you have to wait until July to complete? Is there a long chain?xx
Laura, have pm you my email address.

Twinkletoes we need to wait for them to finish building the house! They expect to finish it by the third week of June, but we can't move until July otherwise there is a £3000 early repayment charge on our current mortgage! Last time we went to the site the house shell was about half built. That was just over a week ago. Did you ever find out why your other mortgage provider pulled out at the last minute, or did you take it any further with the ombudsman etc?
Ahhh-that makes sense!! Must be exciting watching them build it though? Choosing everything to go in it too!! Ahhh-hope they finish on time and you're in before baby comes!! Are you due at the beginning of the month??x

Ours has been finished since November,so just need to complete now!! Yeah-they pulled out due to the development insurance running out,which had been taken out to insure against Japanese knotweed!! They had already leant 2 5 other borrowers on the development site and weren't happy that they hadn't been informed of it before!!! We're planning on putting in a massive complaint to all parties involved-especially the solicitors as they have been absolutely useless!! We wanted to get in first before we complained!!xx
Due on 14th, but i'm expecting lo to come a little early.

We had knotweed on our development too, but it was sorted out before work started and we've got a 10 year insurance policy on it. Our solicitors did inform the mortgage company though and they were happy, so hopefully won't be an issue.
I need to join Facebook! Had it been notified or anything? I'm so paranoid about being found out by joining but don't want to miss out on anything! Such an idiot with social media xx
Could I be added as well to the facebook group?:) kristina fantini and I have a picture from my wedding! Thxxx
Bonze honestly its so private you wouldnt be found out. You cant even search the group xxx
KWarbee Rialto+ Oak looks lovely:) have it been delivered yet?? We bought Mamas and papas Harbour cot bed and ordered shelves from non baby shop :)) not buying wardrobe for now! Not much to hang for a boy anyway! Our cot is being delivered this Saturday, so really looking forward.
Claire thanks :) i didnt get any notifications of being added to the group... How can I find it??
Think we have nearly everyone on the fb page now
Are we missing anyone that wants an add?

Hope your all ok today :)
We have electricians in again all day :( more mess... Sigh x
Laura at least it is all moving for you:))

My little one has been pushing me just beneath ribs on the right side that my belly sticks out! That feels so weird... I have noticed that he is always on the right side. Have never felt him on the left side..
Laura at least it is all moving for you:))

My little one has been pushing me just beneath ribs on the right side that my belly sticks out! That feels so weird... I have noticed that he is always on the right side. Have never felt him on the left side..
Claire2602 I have my 28 week appointment tomo too, hope yours goes well :) Im hoping she will have a feel and suggest the position baby is in, will be first time my bump will be measured too.

Claire I pm'd you, if you wouldn't mind adding me that would be great thank you!

I missed my 28week appointment and they canceled this week so going next week when il be 30weeks! Have had 28bloods back clear though so midwife happy!

Baby for hicups for the first time yesterday, really weird feeling! Think it's head down and bum on right as feeling kicks in Rib cage!

How are you all? X x
On it babes :)
Im hoping whe tells me baby has moved position and is now head down - will explain the agonising pain ive had! Xxx

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