I Have no idea when I'm testing :/ CD20 and still getting highs on my CB opk monitor
Been having ovary twinges today and felt a little 'moist' earlier So Im hoping its soon! This is the latest its ever been for me, I hope my vits sort me out for the next cycle.... I CANT HAVE ANYMORE SEX :'(
Hello I tested early and got a positive ))
Xxxx good luck to everyone else xxxx
Becca. I found out that my app was a week too early in fertile window, so if you can DTD some more just in case x
Can I change to 12th please? I have no idea when I ovulate, I'm using an app which says my fertile window was 24-30th.. Dtd 21st, 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th and 31st. It doesn't give me an exact day of when il ovulate and I have no tests to see, I think it would have been around the 29th but I think I will have missed it because I didn't dtd 29th xx
Which app were u using Valentina x
Tested early! Does anyone else see a line or am I officially going mad?!
Well, I had to be the one to end the run of bfp's, AF arrived today after two days of spotting.
Trying to remain optimistic!
Good luck to everyone else testing, may the good luck rub off on others! Xx
Hi ladies can you put me down for August 14th please!
Good luck xx