-x-x- August testing thread -x-x- 9 BFPs so far! -x-x-

Hello! YAY to August testing thread!

Could you please put me down for 10th August?

Baby dust to all!


Hi ladies I have not been on here for ages as decided to give it a break but back trying as my hubby has left his previous job and we never saw eachother one day to the next so we gave up but back trying now I am due to ov on 24-29 July according to glow app on iPhone so if I test the 11th day after af due thanks and good luck to all of you xx
Updated for you both and welcome back JemJem2015 :)

Just starting my 2WW and will be testing on 4 Aug. Please can you add me? X
Updated for both of you.

Good luck Pambi!

I'm so sorry PB, I hope you're ok. Always here if you need to talk :hugs:

Going to the docs this evening, gonna see if doc says was a chemical. If it was be 4th mc in 10 months :(
Updated for both of you.

Good luck Pambi!

I'm so sorry PB, I hope you're ok. Always here if you need to talk :hugs:

Thanks, I'll thought I might hold off testing for a bit longer this time, having had the CP but know I just won't be able to control myself!

Fingers crossed and baby dust to everyone :dust:
Hey ladies, best of luck and loads of :dust: to everyone, can you pop me down for the 7th please xx not holding out much hope but you just never know xxx hope you are ok peanutbutter xx
All done my lovely.

PeanutButter, did you get any answers from your doctor?

Feeling positive today!.. last cycle I ovulated CD17 and had an even shorter luteal phase than normal as AF arrived early! (my cycle is usually 28 days) I was just taking prenatal vits and multivits however added Vitex/Angus Castus & B6 this cycle and this morning got a very close to positive opk CD14, Will do another later today and see if any darker, also big dip in temp yesterday and today... may just be a coincidence but definitely an improvement on last month :)

FX'd for everyone xxx
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