--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Good that the lines are getting darker. I was tempted to buy another CBD to see if it would read 3+, but I've resisted so far! Hopefully your GP can offer some support/reassurance.

We've literally told 3 people. My best friend, my work colleague who guessed we were trying and was convinced I was pregnant before I took the Test and husband's best friend. It was so hard talking to a good friend of mine who knows we are 'trying' and not slipping up! Apart from my boss who I need to telll on Friday, we're not planning on sharing it till after the 12 week scan. Just need to suck my tummy in!
DH told my parents today!!
We agreed we wouldn't say anything until after the scan in a couple of weeks (my mum didn't take the news I was pregnant very well first time round so I was bricking it about her reaction this time so was trying to hold off as long as possible!) we where randomly talking about dinner & my mum asked "what are you having for dinner tonight" DH replied "she's having a baby. A Christmas baby" cue screaming and tears and even more tears (mostly from me!! I'm so emotional these days!) I literally went right red! Wasn't expecting him to say it at all, he could've warned me!!
GF91, haha, I'd definitely need some warning. My mum had a really muted reaction when I was pregnant last time. After a day of it sinking in, she started to get excited. I think she thought we'd be married at least a year before we gave her the news, she hadn't mentally prepared herself for becoming a grandma! Now, I've lost count on the amount of times she's brought up a second grandchild, so we know she'll be delighted (especially as we've told her we're not having another!)
Oh gosh GF91, I think I'd have fell off my chair :lol: there's not really a surprise for months people with us as close family know we've been trying quite a long time and that we were going through IVF. It's been lovely telling the people who've known about it as everyone is so emotional and excited. Because our son is nearly 9 the people who don't know about the fertility help will probably just think about time :lol: xx
How is everyone feeling today? I'm still a nervous, overthinking, wreck!!
Morning everyone,

I can't believe my nausea. If I haven't eaten for an hour it just hits me like a pile of bricks. Just force myself to eat as I know it'll help.

Forced myself to have sex this morning haha. I haven't let my fiancé near me in 7 weeks. Safe to say he's in a fantastic mood today haha! I'm just exhausted and hormonal as per usual, just a joy to be around xx
I'm also doing a countdown until my 12 week scan - 37 days and counting hahaha, I'm so annoying xx
I was 4 weeks when I got my BFP. These past 3 weeks have felt like 3 months haha xx

I have had two previous c sections and two previous back operations and was on a number of tablets before getting my BFP. I'm not sure how pregnancy is gonna affect me!

I'm same as you also finding out at four weeks, feel like I've been pregnant for months 😳😳

All be worth it x
Congratulations all :-) Happy Sunday !

Has anyone had their scan dates through? Mine is June 1st x
I've known since 3+2 so it feels like forever and I'm only 5w today! Took another cheapy hpt this morning and it was as dark as the control line so feeling relived and will try to walk away from them for a while!

For those who have had or are having an early scan, when would you recommend having it? We've not told anyone yet and was planning on having a scan before telling parents but I'm away with friends when I'll be turning 8 weeks and think I'll have to tell them. We'd rather tell parents first but is 7 weeks too early for a reassurance scan?
Hi all!!

Seems strange to be writing on here...

I'm 5+1 today and no symptoms really. Some hot flushes in the morning and that's about it!

Anxious to see a midwife as had mc at 6 weeks oct, never saw anyone...

X x
Joeypops - I'm having a scan on Wednesday at 7+4, I'll let you know how it goes. I've had 2 already and only saw gestational sac and yolk sac xx
Thanks Lulu, when was your last scan? Good luck for Wednesday!

Welcome sunshinekim! You must be due the day before me
5+2 and 5+4... Thank you lovely.

Welcome and congrats sunshinekim xx
Hiya! Hope your scan goes ok!

I'm not actually sure if I'm 5.1 or 4.1? Should have come on today which would have been a 36 day cycle (usually 32-33 days) think I'd be 5 weeks if I had a 28 cycle x
Welcome Sunshine, I'm 5+5 based on when I ov'd. Cycles are average of 36 days, but NHS will date me at first day of period which would be 6+4.

Good luck Lulu!

No scan date here yet as I haven't had my booking in. I'm seeing the midwife on Thursday to do all my notes and then if I remember from last time, they sent them off to the hospital and I was told to expect a scan date within 2 weeks. What actually happened was that they lost my notes, had to do an emergency re-booking to get the scan date and I had it at 13 weeks. When I got the notes bank from my scan, they were my original notes that were 'lost'. I'm hoping this time is a lot smoother!!

I'm back to work tomorrow after 2 lovely weeks off! Boohoo! No naps if I get tired. I've worked out that I'll be 12 weeks according to my NHS date in the half term, so could get my scan then. If I do, then we'll tell my parents when we visit in the hols if the scan is at the start of the week. If not, then we'll have to wait till they visit which will be near the end of June! I'd be 15-16 weeks, but really want to tell them in person.
Hope everything goes smoother this time JoeyClare. I hope work goes ok too.

I've got my first midwife appointment next Thursday! My OH wants to be at everything but I've told him there's no point coming to the midwife appointments really. As long as he's at the scans. I want him to keep all his holidays as hoping he can take a whole month off when baby is here xx
Morning ladies,

Welcome sunshine!!

I've still not phoned the midwife yet, not feeling brave enough. I seen my GP this morning who done some bloods to check all my levels for reassurance. I'm going to brave a digi tomorrow and if there's been progression then I think I'll call her tomorrow! Xx
Morning ladies,

Welcome sunshine!!

I've still not phoned the midwife yet, not feeling brave enough. I seen my GP this morning who done some bloods to check all my levels for reassurance. I'm going to brave a digi tomorrow and if there's been progression then I think I'll call her tomorrow! Xx

I'd be wary of doing a digi Leah, simply because I've seen horror stories about ladies getting themselves in a state that a test hasn't gone up from 2-3 to 3+ for example when they expected it to but everything was fine - the timings on them are really temperamental and it'll only make you worry more if it doesn't go up. If your doc did bloods I'd be tempted to just see what they say before worrying yourself any more... also if your progesterone was never an issue before you did the IVF there's no reason it should be now... if it was low they'd have kept you on the supplements for 12 weeks. Hopefully this offers some reassurance?! xx
Thanks Helen. Yeah it does! I thought if I done the digi tomorrow I might see it moved up as it'll be almost a week since the last. If it hadn't I wouldn't panic too much as I know well they don't always adjust! My tests are really dark still today so that's reassuring me. I'll maybe wait and see what my levels are from the GP then do the digi if it fills me with more confidence! I'm relaxing more about the progesterone. I'm day 3 without it and everything still appears to be going well so fingers crossed! Thanks hun. How are you doing? Xx

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