--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Scan was perfect. Lovely strong heartbeat. Saw the little arms and leg buds too. Was just so cute. Feel much more relaxed xx
Also due 6th december, have 2 boys nearly 6&9!

Added!! Welcome :wave: a happy and healthy 9 months!!

My bodies playing silly buggers with me at the moment..CD21 and still OPKs are negative! Think I'm not gonna ovulate this cycle despite having the pains!! :( feeling very negative!
So glad the scan went well Lulu and that hopefully the nervous poos stayed away!

I'm not having any food aversions at the moment. I didn't really have them with my first to be honest. I just get huge desires for certain things. At the start it was apple juice (which got me thinking I could be pg as it was orange juice last pregnancy) and today it was a huge desire for cheesey mash. It was so good. I feel like I could eat another plateful!

Welcome mrsmnk. :) hope you have a healthy pregnancy.
Sebbiesmum: I really hope ovulation is just a little delayed for you and on its way.

Well nothing really to report today (yay) so far no brown discharge. Boobs are still ridiculously sore and I'm feeling quite tired. Still getting slight cramps, but the stretchy type, not really painful, so fingers crossed it was just a clean out like I had in my last pregnancy. I didn't want to go to A&E last night as I had no more and no pain. Also, as I was bang on 6 weeks yesterday, I knew an early scan could possibly not show a heartbeat because of it needing a few more days and I just knew if that w des up being the case I'd massively stress. I am toying with a reassurance later on. Maybe this weekend or next week. I'll maybe suggest it and see what hubby thinks!

I'm technically a Jan 2018 mum but my first was 4 weeks early and a very quick labour so I am expecting to be a December mum! If you done mind me joining you :) . Will pop between Dec and Jan prob, just in case :lol:.

Lulla Bell when are you due?x

JoeyClare - they didn't stay away, I literally thought I was gonna poo on the bed, but luckily I didn't haha. I'm glad there's no more brown discharge. Just keep your thought positive.

Hey Lulla Bell and Belfa, congratulations xx
Glad your scan went well Lulu :) . I have an early scan too (because I had ovulation induction) but it's a few weeks away x

Glad you scan went well Lulu, what a relief for you!

So I told my best friend today, was so worried about her reaction but she's absolutely over the moon so I feel abit more chilled about it now- she was my main worry!
I have felt sick from the moment I woke up today (4.30am thanks to DD) & still feel soooo sick now! Looking forward to going to bed!

Oh also- my 12 week scan appointment came in the post yesterday? But I haven't seen the midwife yet!?!?! I'm so hoping for a home birth but the nurse at my scan last week said she highly doubts I'll be able too as I'll probably be high risk again ☹️
I'm really pleased for you Lulu, you must be so relieved! I realised today that while I'm pretty confident with my dates (used opks), my last period was really a miscarriage and was a strange one so the docs might date me as 6 or even 7 weeks so I've finally made my booking in appointment for next week.

Welcome and congrats to the newbies! I'm excited there is talk of Jan babies as it makes me feel a bit further on!
So glad everything was good at the scan lulu. I get a scan at 8 weeks because it's an ivf pregnancy but i don't know if I can wait that long, I've been googling a 6 week scan and wondering if it's worthwhile?

Joeyclare, Glad you've had no more brown. Your symptoms sound similar to mine. Although I'm craving smokey bacon crisps all the bloody time. I had no cravings with my son!!

Welcome to everyone new :) sebbiesmum can you add the rest of us to the list? There's a few of us later on who aren't on the list! Hope you do ovulate this month!

GF, I'm glad your friend was so supportive. Must have been a relief to tell her! I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow and I haven't contacted the midwife. When did everyone else do it? Xx
Oh meant to say I'm Leah, if anyone is sharing their name? X
MrsS - Hi Leah, that's not a bad idea everyone sharing their names. If I were you I think I'd probably wait until 8 weeks as you'd see a great deal more than at 6 weeks. I completely get the anxiety though so it's completely down to you.

I'm Karleigh, I'm 26 from London. Engaged to an amazing man, Anthony. We have a little boy called Luca who's 21 months xx
I'm Georgia, 26, married &!our daughter is 26 months xx
Hi ladies, been off the forum for a while since lots have happened. As i said have had no symptoms and 2 days ago bleeding and cramping. Scan tomorrow but i am almost certain its a mc :( doesn't feel right.

Very upset since it might have been my last chance to have another baby :(

Good luck girls!
I'm Georgia, 26, married &!our daughter is 26 months xx

Hey Georgia, I'm intrigued that you have your scan date through!? How has that been generated if you've not had your booking app yet? I don't have my app until week 9 but they've said that's fine. Was just wondering really more than anything!

PS. glad it all went ok with your friend, she'll appreciate you being sensitive about it, that makes such a difference when you're in that position.
Hi ladies, been off the forum for a while since lots have happened. As i said have had no symptoms and 2 days ago bleeding and cramping. Scan tomorrow but i am almost certain its a mc :( doesn't feel right.

Very upset since it might have been my last chance to have another baby :(

Good luck girls!

Hi MariaIsabella, how far along are you?
Hi ladies, nice to properly ''meet you' :) I've been with my husband 11 years, we have an almost 9 year old son Lucas so this is baby number 2!

Maria, I so hope it isn't a m/c, I'll have everything crossed for you you get good news tomorrow!

I woke up this morning so nauseous I could barely move. Took me ages (and a packet of smokey bacon crisps) to get myself feelinghe human! I think I'm feeling confident enough to phone the midwife today and get booked in xx
Hello everyone

I got this great line on a FRER this morning, don't think I've had this before with my early miscarriages so throwing caution to the wind and joining you - eeek!

I have a little girl already who is 6 in September and have been trying for number two for over four years now with 5 early miscarriages along the way. I have everything crossed that I get to take this Christmas Day present home (due 25 December based on LMP). I'm 38 so classed as a geriatric mother (charming). Looking forward to getting to know you all and going on this journey together.

Amy x
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That's a great line on a FRER!

Hope everythings okay MariaIasabella.

I have both my scan dates and my booking appointment but in Scotland it works a bit differently - we call a central booking line who just book eveything in over the phone. It's quite good as I go away when I would be due our 12 week scan so they've worked the scan around my flight :lol:
I'm Georgia, 26, married &!our daughter is 26 months xx

Hey Georgia, I'm intrigued that you have your scan date through!? How has that been generated if you've not had your booking app yet? I don't have my app until week 9 but they've said that's fine. Was just wondering really more than anything!

PS. glad it all went ok with your friend, she'll appreciate you being sensitive about it, that makes such a difference when you're in that position.

I couldn't tell you how I've managed it?
The only thing I can think of is that I've seen my doctor? Maybe that's why? I don't see my midwife until next week?

Saw my friend today & shes sooo excited bless her! Deffo makes it easier!

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