--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Scrap that she's now a snowflake to make her easier to find! Thanks Mumbear! Xxx
Glad you got some meds MrsS, really hope they kick in and you feel better asap.

Just had my scan, everything looks great, dated 7+4 which matches up perfectly to my dates. I cried lots. Relief is really kicking in now, hope I can relax now until my 12 week scan which is June 12th.

The bloat is definitely real, needing to unbutton my jeans by the afternoon each day and can't wait to get into my jammies
Wonderful news JoeyPops!! Such a special moment - so happy for you xxx
Hi, just popping in to say hello. Was just washing my travel system today from baby number 1 (13 months) ready to go in the loft (switched to a buggy) and then i got a bfp so quite a surprise! Digi said 2-3 but very unsure of dates as still breastfeeding number 1.

Nhs website is putting me roughly at 29th December which disagrees with the digi so im hoping everything is ok!

Nice to meet you all
Brilliant news joey pops! I so hope my scan goes the same way on Monday! I get the end of day bloat baby too, then wee all night and wake up flat (well flatish) stomach again.... Still sore nipples and weird throbbing boob pains. Not really much sickness past few days but tiredness for sure! Lots of itching, sometimes worse than others.
Mrs S I had severe sickness in my first pregnancy 15 years ago, really really struggled as I was on my feet all day in an old peoples home. Looking back I should have gone of sick but felt guilty at the time. Fizzy water with lemon helped, and wierdly pasties haha but sure that was just a personal thing.
I remember crying a few times because I literally felt so ill and was so tired I got home at 5 and was in bed by 7/8pm!
I hope it improves for you xx
Thanks everyone, it all suddenly feels very real! I'm sure yours will go well too treetrunks, let us know how you get on. I'm not needing to pee any more than before which had me worried. It just goes to show that everyone is different and we should all stop comparing ourselves to others and stressing about everything.

I'm away tomorrow with some friends, trying to decide whether to just tell them or to pretend I'm hungover to explain my symptoms and lack of drinking.
Joeypops that's great news, good for you. Glad you can relax a bit now!

Leah, how you getting on with those meds lady? You are a total trooper, no worries on that front!! You still battling with work?

Hi mel32 welcome!

Emma241179 did I see you say somewhere that you have a heart shaped womb? I have this too...is it potentially an issue?

So, I had my midwife booking in app today, seemed a bit surreal I think I haven't yet believed this is all ok and real yet or will until I get the all clear for my Hematoma so it was almost as if I couldn't quite get my head around the fact that she was talking about me having an actual baby! So strange. Just need to get my scan done on Tuesday and hope for a shrinkage or disappearance of old Hema and we're good to go... until then I don't dare delve into a book or discussion about it for fear of tempting fate... so silly really, has anyone else felt like this? x
I didn't see any difference in them last night Helen but maybe this morning. I've managed to eat a bit of dry toast and it's stayed down. I'm sipping at water now! My GP wanted me to keep an eye on the ketones in my urine and it looks like there's the max it can be. I phoned the surgery to let them know and they phoned back and said the GP wants to see me at 1.40. I'm really hoping when she retests it it's not as bad cos I've eaten something :(

Joey so glad your scan went well. Hope you're feeling better about everything now!

Helen I think thata completely understandable. I'm still slightly detached from this pregnancy for total fear of losing it. I hope Tuesday gives you some fab news and you can start to enjoy your little miracle! Xx
I didn't see any difference in them last night Helen but maybe this morning. I've managed to eat a bit of dry toast and it's stayed down. I'm sipping at water now! My GP wanted me to keep an eye on the ketones in my urine and it looks like there's the max it can be. I phoned the surgery to let them know and they phoned back and said the GP wants to see me at 1.40. I'm really hoping when she retests it it's not as bad cos I've eaten something :(

Joey so glad your scan went well. Hope you're feeling better about everything now!

Helen I think thata completely understandable. I'm still slightly detached from this pregnancy for total fear of losing it. I hope Tuesday gives you some fab news and you can start to enjoy your little miracle! Xx

Hey Leah, just catching up with you, I'm so sorry you've been so unwell, let us know how you get on at the GP, my sickness has eased off loads now I think from 10 weeks I started to feel a bit better

Thanks Gail :hug: the GP retested my urine and it was off the scale for ketones. I convinced her to let me stay at home another 24 hours and she's doubled the anti sickness tablets. I'm just exhausted and having a lot of headaches! I've to keep checking my ketones and if there's no improvement then I've to go in and get fluids tomorrow. Keeping everything crossed! I've just ate half a ham sandwich, hope I've not pushed it too much xx
Oh MrsS you poor love.. I really hope being able to eat and keep food down mean a the ketones reduce and you don't have to be admitted for fluids, let us know how you get on?

1stTimer - Yes I do, it was an incidental finding and she didn't make much of it but depending on the level of severity it can cause some complications including breach babies and growth restriction (the latter I had with my son and never knew why) I'm sure they would have let you know if it was a cause for concern so try not to worry xxx
Welcome Mel. Don't worry too much about digis. They're not always accurate. It also depends on when you ovulated. According to the NHS and first day of last AF, I'm due 13th. From ovulation on day 21, I worked out it would be 19th and my early scan said 21st, so my date was a lot more accurate. Hope you have a healthy 9 months.

Really hoping all goes well for you on Monday Treetrunks!

1sttimer- I'm a bit similar in that sometimes I can't actually get to grips with it happening. I think I need to teach that 12 weeks and see everything is ok before I truly embrace it. Hope that haematoma is shrinking!

Leah- Hope those ketones go down and you don't need a hospital visit!

Still no scan date. My midwife rang the hospital and it'll be another 7-10 days!! I'm so impatient.

Friday tiredness is at full force today. Felt a bit hot and sick when I got home. I'll be glad for a rest tomorrow.
Hi all hope you are all doing well. I have my booking appointment with the midwife on Monday looking forward to that.

The nausea is off the roof. I have struggled with it all day today. Its so exhausting. I went for a walk this evening it seemed to help a bit x x
Welcome and congratulations Mel.

Joeypops I'm so glad your scan went well.

I haven't been on much so will need to catch up on everyone's posts. I'm 10 weeks today, nausea is still a pain in the butt, but seems to be easing slightly (yay), not feeling AS sick xx
Are any of you getting pressure in you lady bits? I've been having it on and off today. Was getting shooting pains there last night too. Constantly bloody back ache too. Hope everything's ok xx
Thanks for the reassurance. Just really curious how far on i am, dont know if lmp is reliable as its the only one ive had in almost 2 years because of pregnancy and breastfeeding number one.

Sounds like you are all quite sick :(

Im just cold and tired but baby no1 doesnt sleep more than 2 hours at a time (at best) so i cant tell if no sleep for 13 months is catching up on me or if its pregnancy.

Think i also might be 14 weeks before i get a scan which will be a killer!!
How's everyone doing this weekend?

I stayed up watching Eurovision, it was a mistake I'm knackered
I made it to song 25 before I fell asleep. Elin didn't get me out of bed till 9:10 this morning and I still feel awful!
I'm still feeling dire but managed to avoid hospital (although I'm thinking it may have perked me up a bit). The dizziness is in full force now along with the sickness! I'm on double the anti sickness tablets and praying for a bit of relief soon.

I forgot to say welcome Mel, are you going to look into an early scan to see how far along you are?

No pain in my lady bits yet karleigh but could end up when I'm at your stage.

Hope everyone's doing okay xx

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