--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Are any of you ladies showing yet? This is me this morning 10+2 xx


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What a lovely little bump Lulu! I just look a bit podgy and have a good baby by the end of the day. I have to keep remembering to breath in when I walk, ooops!

Had a great night sleep last night and have woken up minus the headache and don't seem to feel nauseous so far, woohoo! Have my booking in this morning too.

Amy x
Thank you Amy. I've had so many stretching pains over the past week, I'm not surprised the little bump has appeared.

Sorry to hear you've got a headache. I'm suffering terribly with headaches. Bloody hormones. My nausea is easing off a bit, I'm managing to eat more. Yesterday I had horrible heartburn though which was making me feel sick xx
Thinking of you today 1stTImer, hope everything is ok!

I have to much flab for a bump, with my son I had a bump at the top but I have a lot of lose skin so I never had a proper bump :( I looked very odd!!

I'm off again today waiting for a phone call from my doctor, they're not making me go in because I'm so nauseated to be honest I don't know what to say - I want to tell them how crap I feel and that I'm not eating or sleeping or coping and that I need them to sign me off work so I don't have to worry anymore but I get on the phone and completely go blank. On the plus side (well not really but you know) I've lost 10lbs in the last 3 weeks from not eating a lot.
Good luck today Helen, let us know how you get on. Thinking of you!

Karleigh what a cute little bump. I think I have a little hard pouch at the bottom of my tummy as it doesn't go away when I breath in. I'm desperate for a bump!

Glad your nausea is easing karleigh and your headaches gone Amy. I was hugging the bowl till about 2am last night and instantly woke up with sickness again. I really feel it's taking its toll on me now!

Mumbear, I know it's hard but you'll need to try be honest. Think of going back to work and how much worse that will be! Ask to go see your GP if you'll find it easier to her face. I hated asking for a line initially but now I don't care, my work aren't bothered about me so I won't return the favour! Hope you manage to get a bit of an appetite soon xx
I hope everything goes well today Helen, let us know how you get on.

Sorry to hear some of you are still feeling so rotten. I'm pleased you've been signed off though MrsS and hopefully you will be too Mumbear, you've got to think of you and the baby just now so screw work!

That's such a cute bump Karleigh, think mine will be a while off yet but I'm a couple of weeks behind you. I'm very impressed that I managed to keep it a secret during a weekend away with friends, told them I was hungover and I don't think they suspected anything! I'm still feeling pretty nauseous (this morning was the closest I've been to throwing up while brushing my teeth) but it's an upset stomach that's bothering me the most. Is this likely to stop after tri 1 or is this me in for the long haul?!
Thank you ladies you're all so lovely. So baby is still hanging in there. It's just clearly going to be one that gives me regular heart attacks! I was a little disappointed with the communication from the consultant because I usually see the lovely nurse sonographers who explain everything in detail and are honest but reassuring. This guy was a consultant (incidentally the same one I saw for my MC) didn't speak and had no bedside manner at all,... but I managed to glean from him that the hematoma is still there but shrinking which at this point I'll take! The baby is measuring 9+6 which is only 2 days off my 10+1 so that's good and as long as the baby is bigger than the clot where moving in the right direction...just got to carry on doing what I'm doing! Sorry - rambling on!

Leah - great that you've been signed off. Now you have a definitive you can just concentrate on getting through it and if you HAVE to get on IV fluids then at least the pressure is off work wise. Sounds like you're right not to do them any favours! (ps I still think you might be having twins though :) )

Mumbear... I know what you mean you don't want to make a big thing of it but maybe now is time...suffering in silence is no good you just need to do whats best to get through this bit.

Joeypops do you get a dodgy tum instead of the nausea as I had a bit of that off and on? I think it disappears in tri 2 like the rest if what I've heard is correct!

I have a tiny bump I've been writing it off as bloat for a couple of weeks whilst my 'denial' phase is in full force but my OH took a pic this morning first thing and its def there. So weird!

Strongminded...that's amazing. How exciting!
Aw Helen I'm so glad it's shrinking and baby is growing, that's great news. Have you to go back again?
Most consultants/doctors have such bad manners, it's usually left to the nurses to provide explanations and reassurance!

My husband is adamant it's twins. We only had 1 put back though so unless it's managed to split :shock: I'm sure it's just one holy terror! A friend from work popped round to bring me something from work, she thinks the midwife might admit me at my booking in on Thursday. I'm actually coming round to the idea, I feel so bad I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Hopefully it will only last till the end of first tri joey!!

Let us see the picture Helen! Xx
That's really good Helen. Make sure you keep taking care of yourself and hopefully it'll disappear altogether​ soon. Is your next scan your 12 week one?

I pretty much have a dodgy tum all day whereas the nausea is off and on. I guess it's probably linked as I'm off my food so not eating particularly well. Here's hoping it shifts soon! I think we'll all be pleased to see the back of tri 1 although some definitely need it more than others and I feel bad for complaining when I've got it very lucky in comparison​.
Hi everyone!
Ive just had my 12 week scan and found out im actually 2 weeks earlier than we originally thought! Im now due on the 11th December so id love to be added to the front page! :)
Congratulations CLL94! Sebbiesmum who started the post has unfortunately had a chemical pregnancy so I'm not sure whether she still comes on here at all but welcome
That's great news 1st, do you have to go back?

I've spoke to the dr and I have to go in at 3pm for the walk in clinic which means waiting for god knows how long, last time it was an hour to be assessed then another 2 to actually see a doctor which is great when you want to puke every 20 mins. Luckily hubby could juggle work to pick up the baby so I don't have to worry about that.
Arrr CLL94 same date as me!! Congrats! and welcome... :)

Joeypops, never feel bad...its all relative to your own situation. You're still so thoughtful of others and that's all anyone can be...this is the place to get it out of your system so never worry about that! ;)

Hi Leah, they've said no need to go back to epu just my dating scan now whenever that comes through unless I have any more bleeding of which they couldn't be sure I wouldn't in which case call back. He was sh**e he didn't even give me a pic! :( I think split twins are still a higher possibility with IVF than normal though aren't they?! hehe...I'm just winding you up. I can not wait for your scan though to find out! If they admit you just remember its temporary and will be worth it to feel human again and keep your little one safe and sound!

Oh god, revealing a pic! I don't know if I can...lol it's on hubs phone will get him to send it me x
I think our posts just crossed mumbear sorry to hear that! Have you tried sucking extra strong mints when you're out and about, apparently it can help with the nausea? (not teaching you to suck eggs, you've prob tried everything!)
Congratulations CLL94 - welcome to December thread! I'm Leah :)

Joey, Helen summed that up perfectly. Absolutely don't feel bad! I hope we can all come to each other for everything and anything in here.

Mumbear, that's really annoying having to wait. Fingers crossed it's worthwhile though! I would explain to the reception that you need to keep nipping to the toilet with vomiting so they know why you aren't there when called. They might get you in quicker!

That's so rubbish you had a bad experience with him :( what a bugger. Have you contacted the hospital about your 12 week scan? They're leaving it late to get one to you. Definitely post the pic :)

Yeah with ivf it has a very high chance of splitting, gulp. I'm just so anxious to know the little monkey is okay in there! Hubbys washed and dried my hair so I feel slightly human. My stomach is screaming at me to eat but the nausea is telling me something else xx
Helen, I'm so happy it's shrinking. What a relief!!! Hopefully you have a smooth ride now and get to your 12 week scan with no mini heart attacks.

Welcome to the group CLL94, congratulations. I bet that was a shock being 2 weeks out xx
Hi all! Hope you're all well. Good that the haematoma is shrinking 1st! Welcome CLL94! I've had a fairly symptom free day today, but had a rough weekend. I'm going down the route of telling myself all is fine and to enjoy the days were I feel better! Finally got my scan appt though as well: 9th June. By NHS dates I'll be 13+2. By my dates I'll be 12+3. The only thing is it's told me I'll be there 4 hours!!! I know I'm having a scan and my bloods done, but 4 hours?!? I've messaged my midwife to see if she knows why as on my schedule of appointments it had 'up to 1 hour'. Thing is, I'll have my daughter as she's not in nursery in the afternoon and we have no one here to look after her.

Feel like a big pile of stress has been lifted today. Had a lesson obs which I was dreading, but I got outstanding for it. It's definitely helped me feel a bit better and less under pressure!
Joey are they make you do a glucose test? That's the only thing I can think that would keep you there that long!

Drs went well for me never seen him before as I stick to my doctor but he was really nice. I've lost a bit of weight but I'm not in starvation mode which is good and he's given me different antisickness meds, some new anti depressants that are as safe as I'm going to get although I'm still unsure whether to take them yet or wait a few more weeks, I'm signed off until next Monday so least I don't have to worry about that except work are made at me :( got my booking in next Tuesday too.
Morning ladies,

Had another dire night with my son, he was awake for almost 5 hours last night. My vomiting this morning is out of this world. I've felt like I was going to faint so many times, I know exhaustion is making it so much worse!

4 hours joey? That's huge. Have you already had your booking in or are they doing it all at the same time which would make it longer? Did your midwife get back to you?

Mumbear (what's your name hun?), I'm so glad the GP was good to you and signed you off. If you feel you need longer then don't hesitate to go back again. I think I'm going to get signed off for next week too. I'll be almost 10 weeks when I go back and praying I feel better by then! Why are your work mad at you?? Xx
Morning ladies,

Had another dire night with my son, he was awake for almost 5 hours last night. My vomiting this morning is out of this world. I've felt like I was going to faint so many times, I know exhaustion is making it so much worse!

4 hours joey? That's huge. Have you already had your booking in or are they doing it all at the same time which would make it longer? Did your midwife get back to you?

Mumbear (what's your name hun?), I'm so glad the GP was good to you and signed you off. If you feel you need longer then don't hesitate to go back again. I think I'm going to get signed off for next week too. I'll be almost 10 weeks when I go back and praying I feel better by then! Why are your work mad at you?? Xx

My names Nicki

Actually funny you say aboutt exhaustion because the dr said the exact same thing yesterday (I have insomnia) the lack of sleep is making it worse and my last antisickness meds triggered my insomnia again :wall2: Try and rest as much as possible can't remember if you said but have they given you antisickness meds? I'm debating getting signed off again but getting an appointment to see a dr is a 2/3 week wait (just for a phone consult) or waiting at the walk in which is a 3hr wait sometimes which I hate, it makes me anxious being stuck in the waiting room that long.

Work are mad because I was back from maternity 3 days before finding out I was pregnant again, was there a week and then got signed off for 2 weeks, was back last Thursday/Fri and been signed off again. I get why they're annoyed but it's not like I'm doing it on purpose and I've had doctors notes so don't think I can get in trouble.

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