--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

That's ok! Don't think the worst... I've had all of those three things and all fine. Symptoms come and go! Cramping can be stretching as with the back ache and appetite can really vary! x (will be thinking of you on Thursday though let us know how you get on!)
Hi joeypops, fortunately I work for my Dad - family business so I can disappear at any time within reason if there's a problem. If worst came to the worst I could work from home too so I'm quite lucky really compared to some. I did think what on earth would I do if I was a busy nurse or something! I'd have to stay at home!

How are you all doing?

that nurse is me argh :lol: first shift back tomorrow night and I'm dreading it! I'm hoping I just get a baby that needs one to one care so I don't have to be running up and down the ward all night. My sickness is worst at night and nausea is worst in the morning, and I work 19.30 till 0800. I've built it up to be awful so I'm hoping it won't be as bad as I think! Working for your dad is a mega bonus. Does he know what's going on? Xx
Joeypops - fingers crossed the scan goes well on Thursday. We all seem so anxious don't we? Can't wait to be out of this trimester.

I've just got back from the EPU due to having brown discharge all day. She said it's common, but not normal. It's not coming from baby and I'll either continue spotting or it'll be absorbed by my body (the blood that is). Here's my scan xx


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Thanks 1sttimer, I'd be saying the same to someone else!

I wonder how nurses manage at the best of times, never mind during pregnancy. You are a bunch of heroes. Hope your shift goes well, maybe being busy will help distract you from it all?
Aw thanks Joey. I'm a children's nurse on a really busy ward so it's rarely ever an easy shift! I am hoping the being busy keeps me distracted and the weeks go in quicker. I think I'm just worried about coping with constantly having to run to vomit or overdoing it. But I'll do my best and listen to my body! My scan still isn't for another 2 weeks and feels forever away. I feel like everyone has had scans and I'm the baby of the group due at the end of the month :lol:

Karleigh I'm so glad she checked everything out and baby is looking fab. Look at your little baby, how cute! How far along are you? Xx
1sttimer- how scary! Rest up the best you can and hopefully the scan shows the second area is starting to shrink.

Lulu- love the scan. Glad everything is ok. These babies are certainly giving us all a run around!

I'm just tired with sore boobs at the moment and very bloated. Not a huge amount of nausea, I just seem to go through stages where the thought of certain foods makes me feel a bit sick. Still no scan appt yet. I'll phone on Thursday if I haven't heard. I'm mostly reassured by the scan I had as the brown blood wasn't a bad sign and I've had nothing since, i guess I've just got to trust all is ok till I get to 12 weeks now.
Leah your scan in some ways will be more exciting though I think as you won't have seen anything already so when you go in it'll be a fully fledged baby! Not a blob on the screen haha! Hang in there you're doing amazingly and good luck at work, I really feel for you on that front! Will the working maybe take your mind off the feeling rough a little do you think? PS. Joeypops is right...nurses are heroes!!
That's true Helen. I need to just spur myself on to keep going till scan day. I have booking in with the midwife next Thursday so that'll break the time up a bit! I really don't know if it'll take my mind off it. I'm sitting on the couch having a stupid cry cos I feel so bad and I keep imagining myself in work, cleaning up puke and poo while feeling like this. Last night I spent half the night with my head down the toilet. What if I'm like that again tonight? :( I puked up every meal yesterday and puked up my breakfast so far today. I need to just shut up and get on with it don't i? xx
Can you ask the doctor for something to help with your sickness or even swap shifts with colleagues so you aren't working when you are feeling worst? You need to look after yourself and to be honest you won't be much use at work if you are feeling so awful
Leah! No you definitely don't need to shut up and get on with it, I feel so bad for you, that is horrendous!! I don't know how you're even going back?! Do you think you maybe need some more time - or go to work and if you are really bad they'll send you home anyway?! I'm with Joeypops! Look after yourself you've waited long enough for this you don't want to be stressed and worried all the time.
I know you're both absolutely right, I was the one all about buggering work and making sure this baby is well looked after. Now I feel like I'm letting everyone in work down because I've been off for 5 weeks! I feel like I should at least try and go in :( my boss hasn't contacted me once since I've been off, not even a text to ask how I am. I know even if I was vomiting infront of her she wouldn't give a shit! I guess some bosses just think it's self inflicted. I'm hoping because I'm dreading it so much it won't be as bad as I think. I seem to be able to keep apples down so I bought the wee kids sliced one to keep in my pocket and try munching on them when it gets bad. I can only try my best, if it's horrendous I'll just need to be honest xx
You most certainly do not need to just suck it up and get on with things! If your vomiting and nausea is that bad that you can't keep food down and you're bringing up water too then you need to go and see the doctor for some anti sickness meds. There's no need for you to feel so crappy hun and not keeping anything down can be serious and could lead you to being admitted to hospital on a drip. Look after yourself and your little bubba hun.

I know you're both absolutely right, I was the one all about buggering work and making sure this baby is well looked after. Now I feel like I'm letting everyone in work down because I've been off for 5 weeks! I feel like I should at least try and go in :( my boss hasn't contacted me once since I've been off, not even a text to ask how I am. I know even if I was vomiting infront of her she wouldn't give a shit! I guess some bosses just think it's self inflicted. I'm hoping because I'm dreading it so much it won't be as bad as I think. I seem to be able to keep apples down so I bought the wee kids sliced one to keep in my pocket and try munching on them when it gets bad. I can only try my best, if it's horrendous I'll just need to be honest xx

Did you end up going to work? If so how did you get on?
How's everyone doing?

I had another scan today (just put the pic on the Facebook page) baby is catching up and measuring 7w, the lady said that from what they can see everything is looking good and healthy
That's great news! I'm feeling really nervous for my scan tomorrow. Might brave joining the Facebook page after then...
Good news mumbear, im still lingering here waiting for my scan date.
Would you ladies call this positive? Im struggling to get more than a line like this (came up straightaway). My dates put me as due 29th dec....


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Looks like a line to me Treetrunks although I personally don't like those cross pregnancy tests - have you tried a different brand that might be more sensitive? Xx
Joeypops - i'm the same i've actually kept away from the board for a few days as I've been so convinced at times it's all over again - my cramps feel EXACTLY like my period is coming and I'm really struggling to stay positive. Really hope your scan goes well tomorrow xxx
I know you're both absolutely right, I was the one all about buggering work and making sure this baby is well looked after. Now I feel like I'm letting everyone in work down because I've been off for 5 weeks! I feel like I should at least try and go in :( my boss hasn't contacted me once since I've been off, not even a text to ask how I am. I know even if I was vomiting infront of her she wouldn't give a shit! I guess some bosses just think it's self inflicted. I'm hoping because I'm dreading it so much it won't be as bad as I think. I seem to be able to keep apples down so I bought the wee kids sliced one to keep in my pocket and try munching on them when it gets bad. I can only try my best, if it's horrendous I'll just need to be honest xx

Did you end up going to work? If so how did you get on?

I did. Don't know why I bothered! My boss didn't ask me how I was, but she hasn't contacted me once since I've been off so I don't know why I'm surprised. The only thing she said was I was quiet and I said yeah I've been quite sick and she said 'well keep it to yourself' like I can infect her with pregnancy. How sympathetic! I struggled pretty much all night between being sick and a lack of energy. I've eaten a snack a jack and some water in 24 hours. I'm trying to eat some bread now! I'm going in again tonight and if I struggle again I'll maybe just tell them I'm going back to the GP. Thanks for asking!

That's great news mumbear, so pleased for you!

Good luck for your scan tomorrow hun. I've still got 12 days till mine! Xx
Looks like a line to me Treetrunks although I personally don't like those cross pregnancy tests - have you tried a different brand that might be more sensitive? Xx

Thanks Emma,yes I've done superdrug early too
Scan appointment finally Monday morning at 9.10am....scared :shock:


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