--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Treetrunks I can see a line there too, how many weeks do you think you are? Xx
I can see lines treetrunks. I really hope the scan goes well for you.

Leah- definitely go see your GP. If you're work aren't going to show any appreciation for dragging yourself in when you feel awful, then don't put yourself out.

Emma- I'm stressing too. Not so much cramping, but lack of symptoms. I keep googling '8 weeks and symptoms gone' I need to step away from Google.

Today I found out my friend who I've known since we were 4, is pregnant as well. We had our first 6 weeks apart. She then had her second in July and now the 3rd is due November!! I was really shocked as she had originally planned to start trying in summer 2018! She's had her 12 week scan and all well, so just got to hope all is well here too!

I ate a whole jug of angel delight last night. No way does it serve 4 people!! The shame.

I'm hoping to join the FB group in a few days, though I noticed it was closed rather than secret, so I guess that means people would see that I've joined and I'm keeping my news of the general fb feed this time!
Treetrunks I can see a line there too, how many weeks do you think you are? Xx

My edd from lmp is 29th dec, lmp being 24th of march which would make me 6 + weeks, unless I ovulated later last month.
Will find out on Monday as im having a scan at 9.10 am, hopefully there's a bean there albeit a shy one xx
Yes unfortunately if the group is a secret nobody can find it and I can only add people who are 'friends' of mine. Only members can see other members and post details though and nothing is posted publically about you joining don't worry! Xx
Hi Emma I had a look at the group but I could see the other members under "group info", just in case there's a way to change that?

Leah I really feel for you that's such a shame, your boss sounds really unhelpful! X

I think the only way to change it is to change it to a secret group but then without knowing you all personally it's impossible to add members as the group can't be found. You'd have to know about the group in the first place to see its members though if you see what I mean? The only other thing we could do is call the group something completely cryptic.. let me know what you all think I'm happy to do whatever :) xxx
Morning ladies!

Sorry I have t been on here much lately, I'm in the same camp as you Emma and JoeyClare and trying not to drag you all down with me!! I've wanted this for so long it just doesn't seem real and my head is reeling with the what ifs there is something not right with the baby (due to my age and low egg reserves). I have my booking in appointment to look forward to Tuesday and then my next scan the following week. Hoping if I get to the 12 week point I will chill the hell out!

MrsS15 what an awful thing for your boss to say, does she have children? I think I'd struggle to be polite!! Totally understand what you mean about not wanting to try if theat is the reception you get.

Treetrunks Goodluck for you scan on Monday :hugs:

Amy x
Thanks ladies. I'm waiting on the doctor opening so I can hopefully get an appointment today. I was sick all night again in work, I've absolutely nothing in my stomach to vomit. Waters making me gag but I tried to keep drinking it cos I'm struggling to pee now! Xx
Oh MrsS15, that's awful fingers crossed they can sort you out! You can't be carrying on like that.

I'm back to work today after 2 weeks signed off, I don't really know how I feel about it. Me going part time isn't an option so I basically have to decide whether to suck it up until I can go on maternity leave or quit and be a stay at home mum.
Emma I don't no if it helps but my Facebook profile I've joined on Facebook with isn't my real name and I have no real life people on it, so I don't mind adding my name here for people to find and friend me and I can invite them to the group if it's secret? Don't no if that's doable?

Pickle I was exactly like that with my first, actually to be fair I'm not that much better this time around, always what ifs! It does get a little better after 12 weeks but it's even better after 20 weeks.

Has anyone thought about getting the harmony blood test? Don't think the NHS offer it, well not down here anyway but I. Tempted but it's about £600
Thank you Mumbear I'm happy with that if you are and people would prefer a secret group :) I've not heard of the harmony blood test?

I really hope your sickness eases soon MrsS and the doctors can give you some antiemetics to help xxx

Oh pickle I'm so sorry you're in the same worry camp.. it's bloody awful. I'm hoping I'll relax and actually be able to enjoy being pregnant after the 12 week mark too. I was so naive and carefree the first time around xxx
:dohh:MrsS15 fair play to you for trying to just get on with it! Hope you manage to get a doctors appointment and he can prescribe some drugs for you to try.

A friend of mine is suffering badly with sickness at the moment too and oh my days she is such a mood Hoover :doh: I suggested it might be twins (I would LOVE twins) but you'd think I'd murdered her granny the reaction she had :roll: Having had 5 miscarriages I'm grateful for every symptom I have and just get on with it. I know it must be very hard being so sick, but she is just so miserable and ungrateful it's really annoying me so I am just keeping my distance so I don't say something I regret as she is just wallowing in self pity. rather than appreciating the amazing thing that is happening!

Thanks Mumbear, I was thinking of the harmony test too, will see what the midwife says on Tuesday. I had an amnio with my daughter due to a 1:30 chance of downs but I don't think I could do it again.
That's really interesting so do you have that only if the normal screen comes back as high risk as an alternative to amino? Or is this a different screen entirely? Xx
That's really interesting so do you have that only if the normal screen comes back as high risk as an alternative to amino? Or is this a different screen entirely? Xx

You don't have to have it, it's a choice, but due to my age (38) I will probably be advised that I should have extra screenings. The amnio is far more accurate and can test for lots more but it is obviously a much riskier procedure x
Hi ladies,

Thanks for your replies. I've been to the doctors and he's given me anti sickness tablets. He also tested my urine and I have ketones on it so he was keen for me to go get iv fluids. My wee boy has behavioural problems and I'd rather not leave him and distress him. We agreed I'd continue dip testing my own urine at home and if there's no improvement then I will go in. I've taken one of the anti sickness so hoping it'll kick in soon! The hubbys making me some home made soup so fingers crossed I'll manage that.

Joey hope your scan went okay!

Amy, I'm so aware of not being desperately moany about how I'm feeling. We've had 2 losses and his is an ivf baby so we're obviously delighted, I just never expected to feel this ill! I hope I'm not coming across like your friend :blush: xx
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And mumbear, you need to do what's right for you. For me it would probably come down to maternity pay, is your pay good with your employer? If it is I would maybe try and stick it out until 29 weeks then take early mat pay. If it isn't you could maybe leave and then claim smp if you're entitled? If money isn't an issue and you'll feel better at home then do what's best for you. I'll probably be working up until 36 weeks, I'm dreading it already! Xx
That moment you feel a bit tired, off food and a little nauseous again and you actually cheer a bit for it! I'm thinking of working till about 37 weeks, but may be ambitious as I think I only managed 35 weeks with Elin. I'll get 6 weeks off between 19 and 25 weeks which will hopefully help.

Hope the anti-sickness tablets help Leah.

Baby Bond do the NIPT+scan for £399 which says it's the harmony test. May be worth looking at their locations.

Rang my midwife today as my scan date is still not here. She's chasing it up for me tomorrow, so hopefully I'll hear something. Is it wrong that I ordered a toy tub from TK Maxx the other day? It's pink with a unicorn. I figured that if baby is a girl she had a toy tub for her room and if not, then Elin has a new tub!

I'd join now if the group was secret. I'm keeping it all off fb this time. My husband said he doesn't want to tell his family till October! I'm pretty sure they'll figure it out! Haha!
MrsS15 far from it you are an absolute trooper, hence why I said it! I feel bad that I've not spoken to my friend for a few days as we are really close but she is just so snappy and rude I don't want to react, deep down I know she doesn't mean to be a prat but she is just behaving like a petulant child who hasn't got their own way.

I'd seen that baby bond package JoeyClare and was going to discuss with my midwife at my booking in on Tuesday, eeeek! Unicorn toy tub sounds pretty cute and practically a compulsory purchase by the sound of things!

Anyone else having a bloat baby by the evening? I remember this with my daughter but not until later on I thought. Going to be in maternity clothes before 12 weeks at this rate :lol: x
I have a bloat belly all the time. I'm going to have to get maternity clothes soon. My trousers were proper cutting in today. Last time I wore them, they were slightly loose. I think most people at work have figured I'm pg as I can't even hide it and didn't really have any clothes that would help disguise it!! I'm currently trying to motivate myself to cook something.
I'm really glad they've given you some anti sickness meds MrsS and hope that helps avoid having to have IV fluids.

I'll change the group to secret now but just so you know this means that you'll have to message Mumbear and add her as a friend in order to be added to the group as it can't be found publically- her FB username is 'Nicki Tries' and she has a cat Snapchat filter! Xx

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