--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Baby pickle - I had the same cyst, it's from ovulation. Spotted at 5+2 and was gone by 7+4. Nothing to worry about at all.

Glad everyone's scan went well.

25 days until my 12 week scan. Can't wait xx
Baby pickle - I had the same cyst, it's from ovulation. Spotted at 5+2 and was gone by 7+4. Nothing to worry about at all.

Glad everyone's scan went well.

25 days until my 12 week scan. Can't wait xx

Thank you, that's good to know! Was a bit alarming seeing it on the scan, especially as it was my smallest/hardest to find ovary at my fertility appointments!!

Amy x
Argh ladies I want to scream I feel so sick!! I got travel sickness bands this morning and I felt like they'd helped a bit. My sickness is worse in the evenings and it's not helping with this at all now!! I've nothing in my stomach to vomit though so it's just agony. I'm going to eat some pizza purely so I can actually vomit something :(

Sorry for the mega moan. I'm so delighted to be pregnant but so anxious about how long this will last! Xx
I'd book it Mumbear, you sound like you just need some reassurance and can relax then. It's the worst feeling feeling like that.

Leah, I cant wait til you have your scan, if it's twins what do I win?!:lol:

GF91 so glad your scan went well!

So I've just had my last EPU scan, measuring exactly as I thought I should be at 8+4... all is well, so now just a normal 12 weeker so relieved after all that's gone on. Feel like I can breathe and believe its real for the first time since my bfp!

Forgot to reply to this. The answer Helen is you get nothing, except me hunting you down :lol: xx
Glad scans have gone well Emma and Pickle! My nausea has been better the last few days. Trying not to panic that that's a bad thing. I still get waves of it and sometimes when I think of certain foods it makes me want to throw up. Really hope the sickness eases Leah. I've just been nauseous so far, no actual vomiting.

So my colleague came to my classroom today. She is pregnant! From her dates she's due Dec 19th which is my due date from calculating when I ovulated. :) we're also going to the same hospital to deliver!
Good news about all these scans. I have booked another one for tomorrow so if there is nothing there then we know it's game over. My friend did remind me though that with my son I went for a scan at 8w and they moved me back to 7w1 but my cycles were longer then so who knows, I'm trying to stay calm but I'm really frightened because I'm not sure I'm mentally strong enough for what's to come if I've lost the baby :(
Good luck for tomorrow Mumbear, keeping everything crossed for good news for you. Let us know how you get on x
Still waiting to find out if I belong in this thread, I had some bleeding after faint bnps, then got a stronger bnp afterwards but since then have also had negatives.
Waiting for a scan now next week, my dates would make me 6 weeks today (29th dec dd) but I just need to see the scan now to be sure.
Sometimes I really feel pregnant other times I feel the same. One thing I do have is itching, worse at nights, the other is tingling nipples and feeling down and tearful.
Anyone got any symptoms or thoughts? Xx
It's awful joey, puked up my whole dinner. What a surprise!
How amazing you're both due at the same time. That's so lovely!!

Mumbear, lots of luck for tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you :hug:

Treetrunk, I'm really not sure. I would think if you were pregnant tests would be getting darker, not negative. It sounds more like a chemical hun (sorry). Have you had any blood tests? I hope you get good news at the scan xx
I'll be thinking of you Mumbear please keep us updated? With my first pregnancy I was put back by over a week and now I know that's because EDDs by LMPs are only accurate if you have a 28 day cycle/ovulate on day 14, which I don't! I ovulate generally between CD20 and CD22. If I had gone to my scan today based on my LMP I would be nearly 7 weeks but I'm not, I'm nearly 6.. I hope this helps and makes sense- there's every reason to be hopeful that your pregnancy is absolutely fine, your dates might just be out a little.

Hi tree trunks, I really sympathise having had several early losses the not knowing is just horrible. A scan will be able to tell you for definite one way or the other. In all honesty I have only very vague symptoms (breast tenderness, very mild nausea, tiredness) if it weren't for having a BFP I'd probably just think I was a bit off colour. When is your scan?

And thank you all for the post scan love! I'm going to sleep well tonight for the first time in ages xxx
Keeping fingers crossed for your scans Mumbear and Treetrunks. Xx
Treetrunk, I'm really not sure. I would think if you were pregnant tests would be getting darker, not negative. It sounds more like a chemical hun (sorry). Have you had any blood tests? I hope you get good news at the scan xx[/QUOTE]

Yes so would I, except it was a different test, a basic poundland one (not too rich this week). No my doctor just said she would refer me for early scan anyway as had 3 MC this year.
I suppose I might just be hoping for a miracle.

Im waiting for a scan date but gp said next week. (my gp isn't very helpful about much pregnancy wise, they wouldn't even give me a pregnancy test last time i requested, was told to do a home one! )
Thinking of you today Mumbear :hugs: My situation with my first was exactly as the same as Emma and this was confirmed again yesterday, so have everything crossed this will be the same for you. Happy birthday too x

What an anxious time treetrunks, hope you don't have to wait too long for your scan x

How is all the sickness this morning? I've woken up this morning with what feels like a hangover... bleugh x
Good luck with all the scans ladies x x

My nausea seems to have gotten better. I am craving raw carrots lol
Thank you ladies, my appointment is at 12:30 so I'll let you no what happens.

I feel sick this morning but I don't no if that's nerves or morning sickness, I'm thinking morning sickness as baby had a big stinky nappy and I literally legged it out the room gagging, daddy was not impressed but baby was laughing at me.

I must remember that what ever happens with this scan I have a very healthy, cheeky, smiley, active almost 9 months old
Strongminded - my mum craved raw carrots with my brother. She'd eat about 40 a day, her GP told her she had to stop eventually haha.

My nausea is a pain in the backside. I can manage it ok in the mornings just by snacking constantly, but by lunch time, the smell of anything and everything is making me feel sick. I feel like a useless mum as I'm doing barely anything with Luca. I just keep telling myself I'm 9 weeks today, this should all pass in the next 2/3 weeks like it did with Luca xx
Also forgot to wish you luck mumbear, I have everything crossed for you xx
Good luck today mumbear and happy birthday!!

My nausea is waking me up now. I put my travel sickness band on straight away but it's not touching it. Mornings are actually worse because I've nothing to vomit! I was sick about 5 times last night but least I'd eaten so it didn't hurt as much.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xx
Good luck today mumbear and happy birthday!!

My nausea is waking me up now. I put my travel sickness band on straight away but it's not touching it. Mornings are actually worse because I've nothing to vomit! I was sick about 5 times last night but least I'd eaten so it didn't hurt as much.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xx

Try sipping Lucozade. It's helping me a little. Also sucking on sweets or chewy sweets. Only things keeping me going xx

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