--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

18th December for me :)

Updated to here!!

@MrsS - added you :D

Missing my December due date buddies already :(, its getting lovely and full in this thread with lots of bfps coming through!..Just wish i was still amongst all of you!..Feeling very sorry for myself tonight!..Would of been well into my 8/9th week by now and to have that ripped away from you, god it hurts so bad!

Hoping this cycle it will be our turn! And ill still be a December mummy if they deliver me early (last pregnancy was an emergency c section)..Definitely opting for another this time as my body and labour and birth do not get along at all :lol:
Hope this is your month Sebbiesmum. I'll be requesting an elective section after having an emergency one with my first.
Well it's currently 3:50am and I haven't been to sleep yet. I've got this horrible pressure feeling in my bladder and need to keep going to the loo. Im feeling so sick. I think I'm going to have to take a day off and get to the doctors. I hate being off work as I feel bad for not making it in.
Sebbiesmum I really hope this is your month.

Has anyone got their date for their 12 week scan through? Got 28 days until mine, May 30th. Got my first midwife appointment on Thursday. They're both first thing in the morning, 9am, exciting! Hate when the appointments are later in the day, I find myself getting so nervous.

JoeyClare how are you feeling this morning? xx
Fingers crossed for you Sebbiesmum! Can you please add me? I'm Dec 24th. Thanks!

I've got my first midwife appointment on Thursday too but won't get a scan date until I've spoken to her. I'm thinking she'll put me down at least 1 week further on than I am as I've got long cycles and my last period was really weird (think it was actually implantation bleeding for a week followed by my chemical). Here's hoping anyway as it'll get me the 12 week scan earlier!

Hope you are feeling better now JoeyClare! I managed to sleep through but felt awful as soon as I woke
That's what the midwife did with me Joeypops.

Managed to get a doctors appointment for this morning. Just waiting now. I just want some sleep!
Ok so I've decided that I'm gong to be positive and just go on the assumption my dates are out and until someone tells me otherwise I am growing a healthy baby. I've heard from a few people on this forum and another that my dates could work with what the scan says so that's what I'm going with. I'm signed off sick for 2 weeks and it's way too easy for me to fall into a deep depression and I can't let that happen with baby boy. He's still going to his childminders so these 2 weeks I'm concentrating on getting healthy physically and mentally and catching up with uni work as I am very behind.

I have my booking in appointment the 23rd scan gets booked after that. I have my early rescan booked for next Friday but I need to rebook it for Wednesday as hubby is away for work and we didn't realise. It's still 10 days after my last scan and they said 10-14 days so should be ok.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Sebbiesmum got fingers and toes crossed for you xx
Thanks sebbiesmum. I hope you get your rainbow this month!

Joeyclare, hope you get on okay at the doctors and you manage to get a wee nap in before your scan. Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Mumbear, I'm glad you're managing to stay positive. It's so much harder to be positive and strong than to let yourself succumb to the sadness. Changing it to Wednesday sounds good, less time to wait too.

I still haven't phoned the midwife yet to get booked in and scan etc. Definitely going to do it today xx
Yeah it's all to easy when your used to being on medication, the good thing about Wednesday is that the next day I have my follow up with my dr so if something is wrong then at least I can talk to her about it.

Definitely do it today MrsS, I know it differs in areas but ours is pants as they don't book you in until late (I'll be 10 weeks) they don't sort a scan out until you've booked in and then your 12 week scan ends up being 13-14 weeks ��
That's even better hun. Everything crossed you're only going to your gp with good news!

Here (I think the whole of Scotland now) do a central booking system which is great. I just phoned the main number, they took my details and gave me my booking in appointment and 12 week scan. Booking in is the 18th of may (I'll be 8 weeks) and scan is the 14th of June when I'll be 11+6. Wish I'd phoned ages ago now, I feel so much better! Xx
I've been given antibiotics. Just feeling bleurgh. She's sent off my wee sample to pathology which I hope is just what they do as standard! Then she's ringing me on Friday about it.

Staying positive sounds like the best plan mumbear. I think I need to start doing that!
Fingers crossed for you Sebbiesmum! Can you please add me? I'm Dec 24th. Thanks!

I've got my first midwife appointment on Thursday too but won't get a scan date until I've spoken to her. I'm thinking she'll put me down at least 1 week further on than I am as I've got long cycles and my last period was really weird (think it was actually implantation bleeding for a week followed by my chemical). Here's hoping anyway as it'll get me the 12 week scan earlier!

Hope you are feeling better now JoeyClare! I managed to sleep through but felt awful as soon as I woke

Updated to here!! Added you to the list :)

Thanks guys! :) suspected AF is due on the 12th..will not test early again! My chemical has scared me straight from doing that again! Even though I have the worst impatience in the world I'm still not going to test early!!:shakehead:
Well I'm abit more alive today, I feel so much better than I did yesterday, but I still don't feel great! DH popped into work first thing this morning & then came home (he owns his own business so luckily he can be around if he's needed) he's not feeling well himself but it gave me a few hours to get the ponies done on my own & feel sorry for myself.
Scan tomorrow, I've been very crampy the last 48 hours, hope that's just the bug & not something else!!
I have horses too GF91! Actually I'm about to go out a hack with a friend and have been pondering all day whether I should or shouldn't...x

Escaped the internal as well. My scan was abdominal with a full bladder. :)
Fantastic news JoeyClare, so pleased for you xx
Excellent news JoeyClare! Do you mind me asking you if you are quite slim? I'm not so I don't know if I should bother holding my pee in for an abdominal scan haha!

Thanks everyone. :)

Belfa, I'm about a size 10 at the moment.

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