Keeping my fingers crossed your dates are just a bit out Mumbear!
I'm having food aversions to chocolate, cake, biscuits etc... never thought I'd see the day! I just keep wanting cheese and crisps. I've been exhausted today as well.
Try not to worry about no symptoms, although it's easier said than done. I seem to freak out if my boobs hurt a bit less one day.
I brought up the idea of an early scan with hubby and he was dead against it. Anyway later today, he could see I was struggling with it all, so he told me to go ahead to see if it'll help me feel reassured and less on edge. I'm booked in for Tuesday when I will be 7 weeks (going from my ov date of 28th March. I'm fairly sure I implanted at 10dpo on the 7th April. I was originally planning to hold off till 9 weeks, but I'm not sure I'll cope with another 2 weeks of feeling like this. Hopefully it'll reassure me and if there's a problem, then I guess it's better to find out now rather than the 12 week scan.