--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Oh no mumbear, could your dates be out at all? 2 weeks is so long to wait! :( xx
Oh Mumbear I'm sorry it's caused you more worry.. Are you sure you didn't ovulate later than you think? On the plus side your pregnancy has been confirmed, hopefully you're dates are just out a bit? I really really hope this is the case lovely and you get to see a hb at your next scan xxx

I'm seriously considering cancelling my scan on Friday now.. I'm terrified of causing myself more anxiety.. :wall2:
Early scan = no baby, no hb, no pole.

Just an egg sac dating about 5 weeks, she thinks it's too early but my cycles are 28days so not good. Got a rescan in 2 weeks, it's my birthday next week.

Oh Mumbear sorry to hear this, sending you big hugs and positive vibes for your follow up scan. With my DD I ovulated very late in my cycle and the egg took time to implant etc, basically everything took as long as it could which knocked me on a few weeks. I went for my 12 week scan and was only actually 9 weeks.

Have everything crossed for you x
Baby pickle.. My husband was born in '79! I had to think of a random number to add to my rather common name when I signed up! Xx
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I honestly don't no about dates, the only one I'm certain of is my last period but we only had sex the first half of my cycle so if I did ovulate late I can see how I could have conceived :( it doesn't bode well really.

But this is why I had the scan, I'd rather no now than at 12 weeks. I did think about trying to get a scan from my Dr in a week or so but I dunno. I just feel a bit numb at the moment and very sick which is taking the piss I feel :( we shouldn't have told people, we jinxed it :(
Don't say that mumbear, I think we've all told people and it's so natural when you're overjoyed about something. Don't beat yourself up in any way! When did you first get a bfp? Could you possibly have been a week behind what you thought? It could be as amy experienced and baby is taking a while to catch up, I totally get why you want to know earlier, that's what's tempting me towards one! I have everything crossed for you xx
Mumbear please TRY not to worry, I know it's easier said than done.. because of the issues we've had I had been tracking ovulation and some cycles I didn't ovulate until CD22! Remember the little swimmers can survive for several days 'waiting' for the egg to be released- and at this stage you'd only need a combination of ovulating a few days later than you expected, fertilisation taking a while and implantation occurring on the longer side of the scale and bam.. you'd be a week out and then it would be entirely possible that it's too early to see anything on the scan.

I really do know it's easy for me to say.. I expect I'll find myself in a similar position on Friday..

Sending love and hugs xxx
Mumbear, thinking of you. It is a worry for you I know but I have everything crossed everything's ok xx
Hey girls November mummy and lttccer here just wanted to say congratulations. ..and Leah I'm so incredibly happy for you!! It really made my day yesterday to see your Bfp announcement, I may dip my toe in here as I was 2 weeks over with my last babys so could be a December mummy :D


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Thank you so much Gail :hug: still can't believe after all this time we're pregnant just weeks apart!! Xx
Hi all

I'm a little worried as haven't had any symptoms at all other than missed af.... Going by lmp I'm 6 weeks 1 day but got the solid smiley on opk on cd21 and 22...

Should I be worried?! Currently away from home and can't take a test to see if the second line still shows...

Hi all

I'm a little worried as haven't had any symptoms at all other than missed af.... Going by lmp I'm 6 weeks 1 day but got the solid smiley on opk on cd21 and 22...

Should I be worried?! Currently away from home and can't take a test to see if the second line still shows...


I have no symptoms and I didn't in my first pregnancy either so I'd try not to worry x
I had no symptoms with my first pregnancy,sounds like you're one of the lucky ones sunshinekim x
Hi Belfa,

I peaked on CD 19/20 this cycle so also think I'm not as far along as I would be going by my LMP. By LMP I'm 6 weeks today but I think I'm 5+2ish.. I'm having either no symptoms or very vague symptoms that could be completely missed if I didn't know I was pregnant, depending on the day. I'm also freaking out that I should be really nauseous by now.. so you're not alone! Try not to worry xxx
Keeping my fingers crossed your dates are just a bit out Mumbear!

I'm having food aversions to chocolate, cake, biscuits etc... never thought I'd see the day! I just keep wanting cheese and crisps. I've been exhausted today as well.
Try not to worry about no symptoms, although it's easier said than done. I seem to freak out if my boobs hurt a bit less one day.

I brought up the idea of an early scan with hubby and he was dead against it. Anyway later today, he could see I was struggling with it all, so he told me to go ahead to see if it'll help me feel reassured and less on edge. I'm booked in for Tuesday when I will be 7 weeks (going from my ov date of 28th March. I'm fairly sure I implanted at 10dpo on the 7th April. I was originally planning to hold off till 9 weeks, but I'm not sure I'll cope with another 2 weeks of feeling like this. Hopefully it'll reassure me and if there's a problem, then I guess it's better to find out now rather than the 12 week scan.
Joey my symptoms and food aversions are exactly the same. I wonder if we'll have the same sex child? :lol:

By lmp I'm 6+5 but because of it being ivf I know exactly when conception was so I've been going on that. I don't know if my dates will get changed at all! Xx
I like the NHS going off the date of my lmp as that puts me at 7+5, so should have my 11 week scan sooner! Ooooh, it'll be interesting to see if we have the same gender!

Lie in didn't happen! Not hubby's fault though. I woke up at 7 and I was absolutely starving and then realised I needed the loo. So I ended up getting up and then going to make toast. Loving bank holiday Monday. Not looking forward to work tomorrow. I'm in work till 4:30 and then go to start drinking so I have a full bladder for my scan at 5:15!

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