--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

It's nice waking up and seeing a January mummies thread. Makes me feel that bit further along. 8 weeks today for me xx
Yeah I thought that too Lulu although I'm still not quite at 6. I've been struggling to get to sleep as I've been feeling sick as soon as I lie down. Last night I was struggling to sleep as I didn't feel sick so was stressing everything was over. This is actually ridiculous!
Yeah I thought that too Lulu although I'm still not quite at 6. I've been struggling to get to sleep as I've been feeling sick as soon as I lie down. Last night I was struggling to sleep as I didn't feel sick so was stressing everything was over. This is actually ridiculous!

I hear you! Can't decide what is worse having twinges/cramps or not? Or whether I prefer my boobs hurting/or not? Is it weird I wish I felt sick!?!

What has happened to me? I really am loosing my little mind!!

Have any of you got anything nice planned for the weekend?

Amy x
Well, this all makes me feel more normal!..

My main symptom at the moment is tiredness. My boobs are a bit tender but not terrible and I'm still having the odd stomach cramp. I had some brief and mild waves of nausea several days ago and I'm questioning why this isn't getting worse. Literally driving myself mad!!

I guess all in all if I hadn't tested I might not even know I was pregnant - I'd just be thinking I was tired and a bit off colour. Is this normal at 5-6weeks??

I've been getting terrible cramps at night but last night they weren't bad at all so I panicked more. Can't win at all! My boobs are really sore at night when I lie on them but fine during the day! I think most of the time I just feel 'off'. Nauseous if I don't eat often, knackered by 4pm and get dizzy spells. With my son my symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks at 7 weeks so I'm waiting for it again this time! Sorry tmi ladies but I think my main symptom is im constipated :blush: it's really uncomfortable!! Xx
Your symptoms sound on par with mine, that's reassuring. Although I'm the other end of the scale in the number 2 department!! Are you taking vitamins and iron? Only asking as iron can leave you terribly constipated? I still think I'd prefer my symptoms to get worse just to reassure me that all is well... xxx
At least we aren't alone in our neurotic tendencies, even if we do have to pretend to the outside world that there is "nothing to see here"!!!

Does anyone on here use Facebook? I've seen other pregnancy forum groups on there and wondering whether it's worthwhile starting a group for the December mums? I'm not as great at dipping in and out of forums.. xxx
I'm just taking a pregnacare all in one vitamin. Hubbys going to go out and get me some natural stuff to try so hopefully it helps. It's giving me awful crampy stabbing pains! Reassuring we've got the same kinda things going on at our stage!

Haha Amy very true :lol: xx
I don't have Facebook anymore. I'm one of those people after struggling to conceive I deleted fb because I couldn't bear the announcements anymore! My hubby keeps begging me to come back on but don't know if I'm brave enough yet xx
Let's just pray these weeks go quickly up until our scans. 31 days until my scan. My nausea has only started hitting me now around dinner time. Not able to eat much for dinner at all xx
I've created a secret group if anyone does want to join. I understand completely- constant pregnancy announcements and baby pictures can be very painful..

Lulu I'm literally living my life by ticking off the days. I have my first (early) scan on Friday but every day seems to drag xxx
I'll join Emma, I quit Facebook before my son was born due to family issues but made a fake account and just join groups on it and like the stuff I like to keep up to date on plus I don't have to see anyone else's drama.

I didn't realise how sore my boobs were until this morning while my 8 month old was kicking them while getting him dressed, ouch. I get waves of nausea usually just as I'm about to eat something I really fancy - this morning it was eggy bread �� I have a scan tomorrow and I'm really scared.

I also found out some horrible news that has completely thrown me, I'll Wont put details but its about prem labour and loss in the family so yeah not so great. Makes announcing our new LO time comes a delicate and painful thing now :(
I'm really sorry to hear that Mumbear - We were in a similar situation when I was expecting my first.. All I can say is that as long as it is approached sensitively; there is no reason why your joys should not be celebrated despite other people going through difficult times/loss. We're all on our own journeys and no doubt have all experienced our own highs and lows.. We cannot expect all of our good and bad times to be synchronised. Good luck for your scan tomorrow.. How many weeks are you?

It's a secret group so nobody will be able to see you in it. If you tell me your Facebook name/what your profile looks like I'll add you ☺
Sorry to hear that mumbear. I totally agree with Emma, it's a hard situation but doesn't mean you can't have your happiness. I hope your family is okay!

Emma if I activate my fb again I'll let you know. Don't forget about me on here in the mean time :lol: xx
My mum said something similar we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Has anyone thought about announcements yet? I was thinking about my son being prompted to big brother or something

I'll be 6w 5 days tomorrow so there should be a hb by now it think!
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Yeah your mums right, don't worry about it for now!

I'm thinking of a scan at 6+4 but not sure if it's worthwhile paying for. Will you let me know how you find yours and what you see?

Announcement wise we're thinking of going on holiday in July and taking a picture while away to announce. I'll be 15 weeks but I'm happy to wait that long! We're going to lanzarote which is where we met 13 years ago and went on honeymoon to so seems fitting to do a wee beach announcement there! Xx
Of course not MrsS!

I've sent you a message Mumbear! I have my scan on Friday when according to my LMP I'll be 6+5 but by my calculations I'll be bang on 6 weeks.. I don't really know what to expect I know some people are lucky and see a hb at that stage whilst others don't - I hope it doesn't create more anxiety as that sort of defeats the point! Xxx
That's exactly what I'm thinking about the scan Emma. I'd be so annoyed at myself if I made my anxiety worse xx

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