Worried :(

thanks girls, had some more bleeding and the pain is on and off...painkillers not touching it tho :( hope it eases off soon, hugs t everyone xxxx
is it a constant pain or coming in waves, a bit like contractions? xx
when i am sat down its more like waves of pain every now and again but not bad pains, more painful when i am walking around and more constant then. cheers annie...its a proper bitch would just like to know one way or another to be honest rather been in limbo :( xxx
:-( hope u r ok hun thinking of u and bubba :hugs:
Just catching up on this, sorry hun, hope you are ok, sorry your having to go through this, I hope your scan gets brought forward so you know what's going on

Sending you big hugs, have you tried some co codimol? Should help a little better with the pain. Xx x
only now seeing this! so sorry to hear what ur going through!!
hope u have an earlier scan and praying everything is ok with u + lil one xxx
have you tried a bath....might help ease the pain hon xx
i hope it gets brought forward too altho not sure if they would see much anyways :( pain has eased a lot now but i havent moved off mi ass all day so maybe rest is the best thing. thanks everyone for ur support and kind words means a lot and i am grateful to have such a network of friends on here to help me keep positive etc xx
will be thinking of you hope its not anything serious xx
This is terrible deedee, thinking of you.
Pray it is all ok . xxxxx
How have you been last night and this morning? Thinking of you xxx
morning ladies!

the pain eased off a little last night and i managed to get a decent nights sleep. i'm not feeling too bad today, slight pain but nothing as bad as previous days. i can only describe the bleeding as period like, starting bright red and then gettin a tiny bit clotty (tmi sorry) and brown so thats the stage i'm at now slight browny coloured spotting. i just find it strange that the pain is in my tummy rather than lower abdomen where u would expect period pains. my tummy isnt as sore to touch today either so i think i'm over the worse hopefully. only wednesday will tell i guess so fx xxxx
Glad to hear the pain has gone and the bleeding is easing. xx
Hopefully you will find out what's going on Wednesday, good luck glad things are easing off for you xxxx
i don't like to scare anyone but since I found myself preggers, I looked into the process and actually conceiving and developing the baby is extremely complex, it's a miracle we're born at all.
it definitely is...i watched a programme a while back which went thru the whole process it was really enjoyable to watch and as u say it is deffo a miracle that were born at all :) xx

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