hiya ladies thanks for ur kind words! saw the doctor he had a good feel around, ruled out appendicitis etc, tested urine and found a small trace of blood but said i didnt have an infection, blood pressure etc ruled out any internal bleeding, so he rang gyn unit to see if i needed t be admitted and they said no, they would try to get my scan put forward but if i dont hear anything then to go on wednesday as usual. just been told to take paracetamol and if the pain gets worse or i start losing clots i have to got to a&e, luckily i havent had any more bleeding today and the pain is more in my stomach now rather than lower abdomen so i'm holding out a tiny bit of hope that its a re-occuring problem as i have had this sort of pain before but they never knew what it was after many tests. i will keep u all informed over the next few days anyways, just crap having to wait until wednesday esp with not knowing what the hell is happening xxxxx