Bleeding! help please!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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I thought I felt something come out down below, so I went to the toilet and when I wiped there was a very tiny amount of red blood a bit clotty on the tissue. So I wiped inside and there was another very tiny amount. I did check my cm and don't think it was there then.

I have been ill the past few days, not sure if it might be flu, have bad cough, slight fever, cold, etc. I have been worried that all the pressure from coughing might cause harm to the pregnancy.

I don't know what to do as OH's ex had a miscarriage and I don't want to say anything to him unless I have to. Please help! :( x x
Oh hon, sorry your so worried. A little spotting this early is usually quite normal, but I'd ring your GP if your really worried.xx
Thanks hun. I'm just gonna keep an eye on it for now. I know its normal, just can't help worrying, what with this bloody cough, it must put pressure on it :( x x
Get checked out hun, any bleeding in pregnancy should be reported to the doc. Hopefully it is nothing and you will get to see your LO at a very young age!
If your feeling a bit poorly could it be a water infection , i know a lot of women get bleeding and its this , get to the gp with a urine sample and get checked x
defo go and get checked out blood is bad enough but if theres clots aswell then id be staright to a & e x
Best to go get checked out asap! i got sent for an early scan because i had bleeding. Take care
Hi. I had a terrible cough too. I mean coughin non stop, not sleepin at nights and was really sore on my tummy. I spoke to my midwife askin if it was hurtin the baby and she said no. Hope your ok x
Thanks ladies. I haven't had anything since and was such a tiny amount, I don't think its anything to worry about, touchwood :) x x
I would get it checked out just to be safe and put your mind at rest. x
I hope you're ok hun. A little bleeding is common in early pregnancy. FX for you x x x

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