
hun im so sorry just seen your message. please look after yourself and if you need anything you know where we are. :hug: :hug: x x
What is a d & c? Ive just been reading posts in the miscarriage forum and it comes up alot. Also is it safe to start trying again straight away? Would the miscarriage be classed as a period when it comes to working out ovulation dates etc? I hope we will be lucky again when it comes to concieving, this was the first time we have ever tried.
hi hun

A D&C is a procedure that clears out the remainder of any of the pregnancy tissue that may be left, it just makes sure everything is gone so that there is less chance of infection.

Doctors do say to have a period before you start trying again to let your body heal as well as the emotional side of things to leave it for a while.
I wasnt going to try again for a while after i miscarried recently but i got pregnant 2 months after miscarring by accident.

If i can help at all PM me whenever. :hug: :hug:
Jodie, I really understand what you're going through. It happened to me in June at the same stage of pregnancy and I was so sad.

Try and rest lots this weekend, I hope that this just turns out to be a threatened m/c!!

Please pm if you want to chat :hug: :hug:

Im sorry your going through this, iknow right now you probably think there is no hope but there is still a chance it could be nothing, expecually if your mom had bled in her pregnancy.
Wish you all the best hun and am thinking of you and i agree i would go to A&E you need to be seen .
Katrina :hug: :hug:
Hi xJodieLoux,

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. I hope you are okay. Please let us know how you get on on Monday.

Valentine xxx

i hope it isnt the worst. were all here if you need to talk.

let us know how you are.

steph x
Thankyou for the kind words.

I know it must be a m/c, I've felt different for the last few days. I felt pregnant, now I dont. My boobs dont hurt anymore.

The worst thing is I feel stupid for being so upset, my mum just said, dont be so upset it was hardly there :cry: But all I've thought about for the last couple of weeks is the future and the baby, and now its all changed again. I felt so lucky when we concieved straight away, as I was worried it might take ages, and now I'm worrying next time we try we might not be so lucky or I might miscarry again.
dont feel stupid for being upset. its completely understandable. at the end of the day little bean was (is hopefully) a life.

i would be devastated if it happened to me.

if you ever want to talk, fell free to pm me or add me to msn. im online quite alot.

Hi xJodieLoux,

So sorry to hear you are feeling different - I will keep hoping for you until we hear from you on Monday as you hear so many amazing stories.

Why are some people so insensitive? I know that your mum probably didn't mean any harm but it's a massive thing to happen to you and can have consequences (as you said) so people need to appreciate how you are feeling and be there for you.

How is your OH?

Valentine xxx

I am just catching up on some of the posts on here and i am very saddened by yours. Its so insensitive for people to say don't get upset you were only 6 weeks. That doesn't matter at all this was, and hopefully still is your very much wanted child (i hope that didn't upset you).

As you can see we are all here for you, so use us. I wish you all the best tomorrow.

Claire xx :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey hun it is normal for you to feel upset and dont let anyone tell you differently, i miscarried nearly 3 months ago and the emotional pain and hurt wont go away just like that it takes a lot of time believe me i know.

My fingers are crossed for you for tommorrow and im hoping that everything is ok for you just try and keep yourself positive for tommorrow it might be ok. Take care im here if you need me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x
I'm so sorry for the worry you are having at the moment. I know exactly how you are feeling as i had a miscarriage last November.

Hopefully you will be fine as i've heard so many stories about women who bleed while pregnant and go on to have healthy babies.

Just try and relax as much as possible and my fingers are crossed for you.

My OH is absolutely devestated. Im worried about him because he is working nights last night and tonight, he works on the railways, he is really tired and worried and its a dangerous job. He couldnt really ask for time off either as he only started working there a week ago. Maybe its better for him to be doing something to take his mind off of things. Then he can deal with it after Ive been to the hospital and we know for certain. Like alot of you have said there are some amazing stories and Im really hoping for a miracle, but I just dont feel pregnant anymore and I really have lost alot of blood and its rather painful too. I just keep telling myself that these things happen for a reason.
i believe that too everything that happens does happen for a reason. You know your own body and how you feel but you never now, anyway good luck for tommorrow and let us know how it goes. Your OH just needs to be doing something proberly than just waiting its a painful time for both of you but at least tommorrow you will both know.

Take care :hug: :hug:
Ive always believed everything happens for a reason, and this will just make my OH and I closer and stronger as a couple and as individuals. I always think that everything that has happened in my life, good and bad, has made me the person I am today and if one thing in my past was different I might of been a completely different person. And every obsticle and tragedy that gets thrown my way I will come out of it a better, stronger, wiser person.

I feel awful though because Ive read lots of posts and stories about things like this happening and felt sympathetic, but although I was worried it could happen to me, I just didnt actually think it would. Especially because I got pregnant straight away and I just thought it was meant to be.

Another thing upsetting me is that my best friend thinks she might be pregnant, at first I thought it was great and we would both be pregnant and have babies together but now this has happened, if it turns out she is, I dont think I would be able to face her. Especially because hers was "an accident".
i completely agree with what you are saying hun you sound an extremely strong person and yes you will get through this both of it if the worst has happened. Im sorry but i do believe in miracles and you never know.

When i first joined i was 7 weeks preg and i never thought it would ever happen to me never even looked in the miscarriage section until it did then well it hit me so hard but now im a different person for it happening i dont know why but im still learning in life.

Im sorry to go on but i feel i can kinda relate to you in a small way, im sorry about your friend but im sure you will be there for her whatever the outsome, maybe not at first but eventually.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x

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