Bleeding - need reassurance


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I booked an appointment to see dr today and tell her I was pregnant, went to the toilet before going and there was bright red blood in the toilet and when I wiped myself (TMI but after one wipe there was nothing).

Dr said she isn't concerned atm as this is very common as this is the week when period would have shown up. So trying not to stress myself out about it. I also have niggles low down (wouldn't say it was cramps as they aren't very painful) She said that can be down to my uterus changing. So left docs feeling slightly better......

Here's how its gone since docs

Toilet stop number 2 - nothing when I wiped
Toilet stop number 3 - brown mucus colour but after one wipe gone (nothing in toilet)
Toilet stop number 4 - nothing when I wiped

Still got niggles in tummy

Just really want some more advice/reassurance that others have gone through this and not mc
I am afraid I do not have any real advise for you but just to let you know we are all here for you! And remember a bit of bleeding can be normal!
yes hun, bleeding can be normal.. i bled for 2 weeks with my first pregnancy and everything turned out fine!! x
I had a little bleed of red blood at 11 weeks and was worried, but all was fine, just random unexplained event. The brown afterwards was maybe just the rest of the bleed that caused the red coming out as brown is 'old' blood not a new bleed.
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I agree with above, if you're worried does your hospital have a walk in bleeding in early pregnancy clinic, you could go for reassurance xx
Unless your in a lot of pain I wouldn't worry. I havnt bled for about a week but up till then I've bled nearly every other day and everythings fine with my baby. Try not to worry (easier said than done) x
Thanks guys, rationally, I know that its normal, but there's always this little voice that says what if - it needs shot :lol:

Will just keep an eye. Dr talked about the EPU if I keep bleeding, I am to get in touch with her again.

She told me not to do anything strenuous for the next few days, no lifting/carrying etc. I have a horse, so hubby (who isn't horsey) has now been roped into mucking out, feeding, carrying water buckets, lol. She also said no riding either over the next few days. Hubby loving that, as he doesn't want me to ride anyway incase something happens.

Lets hope this is the only blip I have and that everything else goes to plan - do love the fact that hubby is fussing over me though :lol::lol:
Not had any bleeding today, so feeling happier, still just taking it easy for a few days
Hope youre feeling better today chick :) x Is your ticker correct? If youre only 4 - 5 weeks it could a number of things, it could be little bean burying into the lining, could be your cervix closing up and getting ready for the 9 months ahead xx cramps are normal too x really hope you're ok xx :) xx

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