
Just got back from the hospital. Ive had miscarriage :cry: I knew thats what it was. Its all happened naturally though and unless I start bleeding really heavily I dont need to see another doctor. Ive just got to get with things really.
Im already thinking about TTC again though. Is that bad of me? I am upset, but I hear alot of people say they dont want to feel like they are replacing their lost baby but I wouldnt feel like that, I just think this time wasnt meant to be and hopefully next time things will work out.
sorry to hear your news :hug: :hug: :hug:

i think that choosing to ttc is personal choice, it's up to you when you feel ready :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry xJodieLoux - my thoughts are very much with you and your OH just now.

I think it's up to you when you TTC again - make sure both you and your OH are ready physically and emotionally. I think they recommend having one normal period though?

Valentine x
Have just seen your post hun. Am so sorry - hope you're ok. :hug:
So sorry to hear of your loss JodieLou.

My thoughts are with you and your partner :hug:
so so sorry to hear this sad news, I think you should start again whenever you feel ready, sending you lots of love and cuddles :hug:
Jodie I am so sorry for your loss. Try again when you feel it is right for you, don't let anyone tell you how you should feel or what you should do. It is difficult for people to understand if they haven't been through it.

Love and hugs to you and your OH :hug: :hug:
hi hun im so sorry to hear your news :cry:

Doctors do recomend that you do have a period before trying again, but only you will know when you are ready to try again.

Hope you are ok hun and if you ever want to chat we are all here for you :hug: :hug:
So sorry hun, I had everything crossed for you.
We had been TTCing for nearly 2 years, and had a suspected miss-hadnt done a test so it was never confirmed. I was so upset but took a positive from it, I knew it had concieved possibly once, and would again...
4 weeks later, I got my BFP
Keep strong and we are all here for support.
Be kind to yourself and rest lots xxxxxxxx

I am so so sorry. I know when you read these messages you can sometimes think maybe people are just quicky posting a reply and saying what they should BUT i dont think thats the case.

I followed your postings over the weekend and was really thinking of you today. I lost my baby in Oct at 21 weeks. Its difficult but you shouldnt beat yourself up about wanting to try again. I think the best thing is not to let it drag you down as much as you can and if ttc is a way of looking forward and you feel ready then go ahead.

Wishing you loads of luck and my thought are really with you. I am off sick at the mo and check my postings quitre regularly so if you want to pm me please do.

Thankyou all for your support.

The OH split up with me last night :cry:

He said some really horrrible things to me and said he didnt want to be with me, then I said well what if I hadnt of lost baby? And he just said really nasty "I was gonna fuck you off anyway." (sorry about the language but that is what he said) And with that, I punched him in the face! Then he was blaming eveything on me and saying he didnt mean what he said and he would of made up with me, but because I hit him he doesnt want to.

Then this morning he asked me if I wat another chance and obviously I want things to work because I love him and we have been through so much, so I said "yes, but you need to stop saying things you dont mean and I need to not hit you again, which I wont." Then he just said "whos calling the shots here? not you, Ive got to go now anyway, bye". And he hung up the phone.

Who is in the wrong here? I know I shouldnt of hit him, and Im not a violent person I dont know what got into me.
Hi xJodieLoux,

I'm so sorry to hear of your traumatic evening - and your unsupportive OH. Not what you needed the evening of a confirmed miscarriage. My heart goes out to you and I am so aware that you don't have the support you need from your OH and your mum (from your earlier posting over the weekend). Is there anyone you can talk to who will just listen? If you don't have a suitable friend, head to the docs and ask to be referred for counselling. You need someone to talk to.

Please remember that he may well be grieving like you and really is saying things he doesn't mean. However, I am not very impressed at him lashing out at you verbally when you are so low both physically and emotionally - so sorry to say this - but he doesn't sound like much of a man.

Would you like to have children with him and be with him for the rest of your life (or at least for the forseeable future)? Would he be a good dad? I guess these are the kind of questions you should be asking yourself.

I hope my posting has helped. It is really hard when I don't know you or your OH or your situation. For example - have you been together long? Do you live together? Is this kind of argument normal or has it happened before?

PM me if you need to chat. I'm here for you.

Valentine xxx
P.S. I don't think you are in the wrong for hitting him. Physical abuse is not something I agree with either male/female or female/male - however, I am not surprised that you lashed out after what he had said and the day you had had.

Valentine xxx
So sorry Jodie, what a really sad time you are going through. Valentine makes lots of very valid points so I will not repeat her. I hope things get better for you real soon.

Thinking of you :hug:

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