Worried :(

i think the one i watched was creation on BBC1 a while back now it was a fab insight into it all :) xx
Hope you are ok hun, glad things have eased a little, will be keeping my fingers crossed for you on wed! wish it was sooner for you. xxxx
thanks nurse, havent been in pain all afternoon...result!! lol and the spotting is tiny and just a bit browny in colour so everything seems to have calmed down! i really wish i could have my scan sooner but i guess the longer i leave it the more chance they have at actually finding mi bean in there. fingers crossed all is ok, just want wednesday to come around quickly :) xx
Yay glad no pain :) fingers are crossed so hard I'm getting cramp xxx
haha thanks sue :D

Well today i have less pain than yesterday altho this morning when i wiped again there was a lot of dark reddy brown blood so i kept wiping and checking and it was more like brown spotting after a while. i still have uber sore nips so at least my symptoms arent going anywhere fast! 2 more sleeps until scan time, excited, scared and nervous all at the same time but at least i will get some answers one way or another hopefully! xx
Grrrr just wen i think things are picking up...just been to loo, bright red blood again on loo roll looked in toilet and the water was red wi a blood clot the size of a 1p piece!!!! i know if i ring epu they will just say theres no point in getting an earlier scan as they wont be able to see much! hate this waiting game!!!!
Deedee you poor thing...

Your on an emotional rollercoaster & im really feeling for you...

Keep positive & most importantly keep your feet up for the next couple of days until your scan on Wednesday morning... thats what i intend to do xxxxxxx
thanks ladies, gave epu a ring again, they r like my bum, just said i just have to wait until wednesday! deffo an emotional roller coaster karend fed up now!! xx
I know you are honey - I would be too.

Just hang in there... Im keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you & sending lots of positive thoughts for you!

Remind me - What time is your scan on Wednesday?? Mine is at 10.30am....

thanks hun i'm trying to :(

My scan is 9:45am wednesday i'm kinda preparing myself for the worst tbh and if alls ok then that is a massive bonus and i will probably be a big baby and cry lol xx
thanks nurse i'm coping so far but its hard not knowing whats going on xx
Oh honey, even im thinking the worst (about my scan) so i completely understand...

Ill be waiting on tenterhooks for your update after 9.45am

cheers karend and i will of urs also :) fx for both of us that all is ok xxx
Well ladies i am going to A&E and i am not leaving until i get answers, i really think i am miscarrying and i am fed up of been fobbed off n left to wait so i am gonna get myself off and sorted hopefully xx
Aw deedee, I hope it isn't bad news for you sweetie. xx

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