TWW Symptom Spotting......

Yeah wouldnt it.....argghhh everything crossed mrsmc...surely its our turn now lol xx
I hope so Cant wait to POAS>......when you doing your first poas? xx
Sounding good you two, looking forward to your FMU test Mrs Mc tomorow?

good luck PP, Wilma and Bonny, hang in there in the dreaded 2WW
Thanks JJ....argh I sooo want it to be next week so I can POAS!!!!!!!!!!! lol ha xxx
Right......heres mine so far.....not sure for def if I ovd sat or sunday so maybe 3 or 4 dpo!

1dpo.....not a lot that I noticed!
2dpo.....mega bloated and lots of twinges...yellowish/cream coloured CM lots!
3dpo.....Boobs annoyingly irritating & small break out of Spots on chin!!
4dpo.....Boobs still 'there' yellow/cream colour CM, sniffly nose today!
5dpo.....Boobs (right only) is mega itchy but both very tender as per so maybe AF symptom tho! Had few dizzy episodes last couple of days too....light headed and off balance but that could just be ME....
Feeling very bloated atm and been bit sickly but again I often get this with ME so all in all STILL not much significant to Pg symptoms....

So not much atm but I am looking forward to hopefully getting lots of good signs this time!!

so wilma, should cm be yellow coloured in early pregnancy?
Im not entirely sure PP I think its possibly different for everyone but I know when I was pregnant last month Ihad loads of yellow/cream coloured for me it was def a there but not sure if it was because I was preg or was just there....Ive not taken much notice in previous months tbh....sorry I know thats not much help!! xxx
i'm waiting for postie to come with my hpts so gotta try to hold on to fmu. He he
Ooo can i join in even though i dont know when i ov'd?

11 days late (from day 28), sore boobs, bigger darker nipples with bumps, constant thirst, constant weeing, constantly tired (though that may be my fibromyalgia), creamy coloured cm, headaches, nausea (only a couple of times tho), spots, sniffly nose (may be hayfever).

Had 3 BFN's in past 3 days though :(

Good luck to you all xx
Ok My update - OV on Sunday according to EWCM and temps

1dpo - nothing!
2dpo - nothing! apart from mega hot at night - sleeping naked without covers!!
3dpo - nothing really noticable, A tiny little bit light headed after work
4dpo - Feel a bit funny today, slight 'warm' feeling around my lower tummy, and a little bit light headed, also mega hot again last night - even when hubby went to work at 3am I was still outside the covers and its not even summer yet!!!
fx for you emsey! still waiting for the postman! i have had a sniffly nose too but thought it was just the pollen!
Well heres another udate for today...........

1dpo.....not a lot that I noticed!

2dpo.....mega bloated and lots of twinges...yellowish/cream coloured CM lots!

3dpo.....Boobs annoyingly irritating & small break out of Spots on chin!!

4dpo.....Boobs still 'there' yellow/cream colour CM, sniffly nose today!

5dpo.....Boobs (right nipple only) is mega itchy but both very tender as per so maybe AF symptom tho!
Had few dizzy episodes last couple of days too....light headed and off balance but that could just be ME....
Feeling very bloated atm and been bit sickly but again I often get this with ME....
Mega sore and painful boobs....sort of weird sensation in them but ouch!
Looking a little darker but I say this every month lol!
Sniffy nost a bit still sore throat.
Yellow creamish CM.

Still far too early to test but I really want to......xxxx
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Sounds good wilma, Although I wish I had to wear a bra to bed!! my little bee stings don't need a bra any time of day! Unless its to hide erect nipples at work!! haha!

Although they do feel a little fuller today
Thanks Mrsmc.... ;-) hopfully!!

Ha bonny Bee stings lol!! Ha I havent got huge boobs just I cant stand them just roaming free anytime....especially at night....strange arnt I lol!! But yeah def something going on with them and they feel very full too.....argggghhhh I hope this is it for us lot.....we deserve out BFP' xxx

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