TWW Symptom Spotting......

Morning Ladies!

I'm not feeling very positive this morning!

I don't really have a reason for it but I have a feeling i'm going to get a BFN!

I've had no more brown stuff since Saturday morning which is good I suppose but you know when you just have a bad feeling?!

Oh well only 2 days left and then i'll know for sure! Although I hope if i'm not pregnant that the witch is at least nice enough to come on Wednesday so she can be done and dusted by sunday when we go on holiday!

Hi Ladies!

I'm very new to this - only started actively trying this month and already the tww is drving me mad!!! I'm not a very patient person!

I'm now around 10dpo (ish - I didn't use an OPK, just going by CM). For the first few days, really bloated. On around day 2, woke up in the night having spasms in my bladder. Since then the odd twinge. Occasional pains on the right side of my tummy. Bloating has now settled down. Having quite vivid dreams and feeling tired, but that's pretty normal for me. Had a few sharp tummy pains when standing up from sitting. No nausea. No sore bbs. No spotting. Just some creamy CM, but not much.

You can drive yourself mad, can't you? Now thinking that the bloating may just be down to eating stodgy food, and the bladder spasms could have been a touch of cystitis following the BD. But it's so tempting to think that this could be it!!!!

How do youstop yourselves from obsessing - or don't you?!!!

Good luck everyone!
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AF due tomorrow or tuesday.

The first month i came off the pill i really thought i was pg as i got all the classic signs. It was my body messing me about though.

The last few days i have had terrible headaches, little bit a nausea and weeing alot. I trying not to symptom stop as its awful when it doesn't happen but cant ignore how i'm feeling
I'm not feeling too hopeful now. Bloating has gone away, no more twinges in my tummy, bbs aren't sore at all.

I'm maybe a bit constipated, and my bbs are bound to get a bit sore in the next few days, but that will just be down to af being on her way.

I'm going to try to ignore everything and just wait for af - not going to test until af is officially late (which will be another week away, as my cycle length varies!)

So my tww has turned into a three week wait!

Good luck to everyone!

period pains
mega grouchiness
nausea (most things going in my mouth atm making me gag)
and suddenly needing to pee first thing in the morning & bit more during the day
Hi looking at this thread takes me back to when I started it last May, when it seemed like I was forever in the TWW! And now our little girl Matilda is here!

Just wanted to say good luck to you all and I really hope you all get your BFP's sometimes seems like its taking forever but dont give will happen.

Also I have some preg tests somewhere (I was a POAS addict lol) so if any of you want them the first one to private message me with address can have them....and once again good luck xxx
Hi girls!

Sorry to intrude but I was wondering if I could join?
I’m new to the forum and not sure how to start a new thread!
I’m currently also in my TWW and it’s driving me nuts lol x

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