Well I did POAS this morning with a HPT and OPK and NOTHING!!! I got a BFN which I suspected I would but also had very light brown streak when wiping so I think its AF on her way as I have a bit of a twisty stomach and felt a bit sick this morning as I sometimes do so Im sure Im going be out but who knows....DH reckons Ive been crabby last couple of days so prob is AF lol! However I will report back when we get home later on today....and of course will be keeping everything crossed its not....although I think I might be too late at 13dpo for IB....xxx
Well I did POAS this morning with a HPT and OPK and NOTHING!!! I got a BFN which I suspected I would but also had very light brown streak when wiping so I think its AF on her way as I have a bit of a twisty stomach and felt a bit sick this morning as I sometimes do so Im sure Im going be out but who knows....DH reckons Ive been crabby last couple of days so prob is AF lol! However I will report back when we get home later on today....and of course will be keeping everything crossed its not....although I think I might be too late at 13dpo for IB....xxx