2ww symptom blog leading to BFP :-)

bizzygirl101 said:
thanks hun, me too, im itching to join you in first tri! althought cheri predicted Sept for me, i dont mind paying and her being wrong if it happens before she said!
soooooooo broooooooody!
and my little boy points out every baby, on tv, on the yoghurt lid ( :roll: ) photos etc.. and shouts BUBBA! gets all excited and pleased with himself, I cant wait to be able to tell him there's a bubba in mumma's tummy!

Awww thats so sweet. Maddison hugs my tummy and goes 'aaaah', its so sweet. She has no idea there's a baby in there but I think its so cute anyway :hug: :hug: Hope Cheri is wrong for you then, she cant be right every time :wink:
Ooo I've been feeling like I need a number 2 all the time for a few days. I'm usually bunged up in 2WW but not this time.

Also usually for about a week b4 AF I get tender (.)(.) but nothing this month. I'll be about 11DPO on Friday, do you think that too early to test? I know I said I won't test early, but it appears I'm just a big fat lyer :rotfl:
i am 12dpo and getting the same symptoms i do every month apart from really bad headaches but DH has had them too so i'm thinking it might be following on from our cold we had. :think:

always in the 2ww i get tender bbs and they feel fuller, i get so moody around 10dpo. my CM is variable i have thrush which i know can mask it but its sticky in nature and that of course makes me itchy too :oops: and i feel bloated and fat before my period.

i get spots too. this time though which i haven't had is the pulling dragging feeling in my ovary region which i had last month which nearly convinced me i was PG.

fingers crossed for us all ladies :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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