TWW Symptom Spotting......

:dust::dust::dust:good luck especially wilma and bonny and pink punch really hope you will all be jopining us soon in tri 1 xx x
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Oh PP YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS POAS POAS POAS I WILL BE WAITING!!! Ahhh excited now ..... good luck PP got it all crossed for your BFP xxxx
Ahh thanks flopsy and FD....I really hope we can join you over there asap too....Arh I really want us to get our BFPS this time xxxxx
just been over reacting to everything :-( hormonal i think hoping it is pg rather than pmt
Wot sort of test did u use this am mrsmc? was it a cheapie strip? cos if it was i mite b worth gettin a branded 1,im still gettin a bfn on my cheapie even tho i got a bfp on the clearblue.
FX 4 u xxx
I'd def b gettin a fr or cb,superdrug 1 was quite good aswel...showed for me at 11 dpo x
Ok My update - OV on Sunday according to EWCM and temps

1dpo - nothing!
2dpo - nothing! apart from mega hot at night - sleeping naked without covers!!
3dpo - nothing really noticable, A tiny little bit light headed after work
4dpo - Feel a bit funny today, slight 'warm' feeling around my lower tummy, and a little bit light headed, also mega hot again last night - even when hubby went to work at 3am I was still outside the covers and its not even summer yet!!!
5 dpo - Felt a few sharp twinges just above my pubic bone, very hot again last night, skin feels more greasy, woke up with headache and now have a little bit of a light head,

6 dpo - Very hot again last night - had what felt like period pains when I went to get up for work today - very sore and had to lay still for a while, also have a funny head again today - feels a bit like a hangover but without the nastiness, just a bit wobbly,
Sounds good Bonny!!! ;-) When you first testing??

Morning,......update here at 6/7 dpo
Same as previous days plus....
Last night when I was inbed I had loads of twingy pains on left side ovary....lasted about half an hour....then not sure if it went or I fell asleep!
Woke up this morning feeling pretty sickly (but its red hot in here even with the fan on all night) and I kinda have a heavy almost crampy feeling in my lower stomach/ovary as if af is on her way kinda feeling!
(TMI bit) when wiping the last couple of times....Ive had little very light brown 'flecks' that appear to be dried out bits of 'something or other'...never had this before so no idea what it is.....anyone else? Thought it may be just bits of pressed/old sperm working its way back out but who knows!

Couple more so greasy I can fry a full english in it and skin to but again might be the sudden rise in temp and nice weather!

Yest I came in from being at the coast and HAD to go to bed at 4.30 slept solid till 8.35pm....could just be the usual for me tho so not getting to excited!

Boobs still very painful, and tenderness working its way from sides round close to nipple but still not got sore nipples!

I want it to be next week so I can POAS....Ive wasted so many that I know its not worth me even trying atm so Im at leaset waiting till Im around 8 - 10dpo before I start xxx
Think I got a bfn this morning but it's early yet, only 8dpo. There's hope yet!

Still getting cramps in my stomach sometimes but it's easing off now. Back is a bit achey but could be af I guess. Nothing much else to report really!
Lookin good 4 all of ya. Fx u all get ur bfp's soon. Sendin loadsa :dust: your way :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: xxxxxxxxxxx
Wilma I'm not testing until next sunday when I will be 14dpo - not unless I have some huge symptoms that tell me to test!

I also get the cramps like AF is on her way - not had that before really

The greasyness and hotness and even light headiness could be due to the weather change, oh well one more week to go till testing!
Hair is so greasy had to wash everyday for past week instead of every other day
Ah its so unfair coz we all have poss pg sympotms but I know the old bitc* will play tricks on us and dangel a bfp in front of us.....Arghhhh......

Well been at my brothers BBQ all day today and had lots of AF type cramps and twinges earlier today to the point I though noooo shes here....thought she had arrived at one point but would be a week early if she did turn up....but she hasnt!

Do you ladies count the day you ovulated as the 1st DPO or the day after?? xxx
I;m counting the day I'm on CD23 now and ovulated on CD21 so I am 2 DPO. But no symptoms (yet!).

Thanks I oved last sat and got a dark + on sunday to so would you count it from sunday being the first day you got OPK? That would make me 7dpo now if I counted it from being last
Well I got my first positive on wednesday and the second on thursday, so I took thursday as OV day and coundted 1 DPO on friday, 2 DPO today etc...


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