How many DPO and what are your symptoms?

ok im waiting to see if ive concieved straight after a M/C. Lets hope. I think AF due middle of next week. Keep you posted!!
ok so i think im ok cd27 so i guess thats about 12 po or so. Not sure cause of mc! Ive been weeing more, had a spot of blood in cm on about friday and now nothing. Its was off white before that. Tmi! Having a few stomach and twinges but guessing that could be af! Got very prominent veins on legs, thighs and boobs but these never went from mc so thinking i pos gone straight into anther preg but my hopes r slim!! Oh my temp has been quite hot for a while, spesh in bed i have to pull covers off me. Headachess too. How annoying that af symptoms r so like pregnancy symptoms!! Who knows, its a waiting game. ! I feel it will be a negative but want sooooo much for it to bbe positive!
well i tested yest and was neg! But i was early lol so even if i was preg perhapd not enough hormone!! I think if af not here by fri or sat il test again. But still got period ache and feelings, but nothings started as of yet! But im not holding my hopes up cause i may be dissappointed xxxx
Ah everything crossed for you Cstar.....but knoiw what you mean about not getting your hopes up.....its so disapointing isnt it at time good luck tho xxx

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