*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

awww poor Mo.I knew he was going but felt a bit sad for him. He wasn't the worst, he wasn't nasty, the most bullying or particularly offensive, he just liked his grub. He lasted longer then Becs and Luke though which was all I wanted. I think Kat isout next.

I miss the final as on my hols but I really hope Rex doesn't win.He is a nasty man and I hope the British public have a better sense of judgement then that.
Anyone else think Davina hasn't been looking her best this series? She was looking good to start with but the last few weeks she's been wearing strange clothes that look like a bin bag and her hairstyles have been a bit strange, not liking tonights plaits.
oh that made me sad, she was so upset and the idiots still really booed her :(
Wooooooooooo me & Riley are well chuffed at those 2 going out!!! 8)
beanie said:
oh that made me sad, she was so upset and the idiots still really booed her :(

i know what you mean i felt a bit sorry for her, until she sang happy house again :twisted:
I'm so happy with tonights evictee's :cheer:
Did anyone else pick up on Kat saying 'please don't take any more of my friends away' on the 2nd eviction? She never dreamt it would be her that would be going. She was so shocked.
Mo has still not admitted to being greedy even after Davina showed him the footage :roll:

It was a good show tonight :clap:
Well thank christ shes gone, surely i cant be the only one who has no idea what shes saying.

Felt sorry for Mo,i dont think he was all that bad.
So pleased that Mo and Kat went :cheer: Kat was so shocked, she really thought she was going to win - I didn't like her much!

OMG how annoying is Kat!!! Oh get over it you silly cow everyone has to go!

Chelle said:
Did anyone else pick up on Kat saying 'please don't take any more of my friends away' on the 2nd eviction? She never dreamt it would be her that would be going. She was so shocked.

yes I noticed that! I think she really did think she would win and that is why I didn't like her anyway besides all the other annoying things she does!

AND in her interview I wanted to punch the telly I was getting so annoyed watching her clapping like a 3 year old at everything she said grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thank god i don't have to watch her anymore!!!!

I really want Rachel to win now and not because I like her cus I don't that much but just to piss Darnell and Rex off! ha ha ha
FABULOUS TV last night!

I felt sorry for both of them for ...oooh...about a second. It's all part of the show to be ready for anything. Kat did no more to endear me. I think she is genuinely silly, but she also believed she had it in the bag; I'm glad she never made it to Friday.

They must hang around that house thinking for weeks of their eviction outifts, what they're going to say in interview etc. Poor Mo was so caught out he just sat in front of Dav like a bunny in the headlights! :lol:

I'd still liike Rachel to get it, but Rex is creeping back in favour with the public. Here's my prediction

5th Sara
4th Darnell
3rd Rachel
2nd Rex
1st Mikey

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