Big Brother 7!!!

im really bored of it now! dont really care who wins!!!!!! :lol: def glyn or pete win!!
i cant w8 4 it 2 b over now.....

am fed up of it tbh.....

was 2 long this year!!!!
I know Yvanne, I agree with you there - glad to see bubba hasn'T chosen tonight (so far) to make a move into the outside world, so you get to see the final!

Bye Jenny!

Nikki is soooooo annoying! Get her out next please!
yeah!! lol tho im sat ion here rather thn watchin it..... will watch the next 1 tho(on at 10)
I really wish ashleine would get out and someone throw a tomato at her. She is really doing my head in now. :evil:
Ash isn't that bad :pray: **please don't throw a tomato at me for saying that** :pray: I can see where you are coming from

I was keeping my fingers crossed that someone would throw some water at Grace when she came out with Mikey!

So glad Nikki got booed :cheer: - she'll realise now that shes not invincible (sp?)
What's with her facial expressions every time someone gets evicted?? (Ash) She's such an attention seeker, she wont let anyone else have their moment without trying to turn the attention onto herself. And I don't believe any of that 'I've changed' crap, the only reason she changed was because she got boo'd, and it's all fake.
Ash won't win, she'll be next out - i'm sure of it! Will def be Glyn or Pete :pray: :cheer:
i no i dont understand y either, loadsa guys think shes gd lookin i personally think shes a dog!!! lol if pete does win i hope he sees sense with nikki, n hope she doesnt try 4 his money :(
don't worry no tomatoes are gonna be thrown from my direction :D She's just really annoyed me these last few weeks.
I think Nikki has annoyed me too much (in case I hadn't already made that clear in my previous posts) to get annoyed by Ash, but I agree that those faces need sorting every time someone else gets evicted!
I hope glyn wins - he's been the only genuine one there!!
I'm not watching as we have a guest so i've videoed it!! (sad!)

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