A Big Brother version of the pregnancy forum


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I've just thought of the weirdest TV show ever. Imagine a Tv show like Big Brother, in which a group of about 20 of us TTC'ers and pregnant ladies would be put in a huge house for 3 months.
Big brother would obviously make sure we get the correct food and care, and there would be rules and tasks just like the BB house. There would be a midwife and we'd have our babies in the house. As well as scans and check ups. We'd have an exercice routine and other pregnancy related activities.

The purpose of the show would be to observe how Pregnant women or women trying to get Pregnant cope with their symptoms, their mood changes, etc etc. Every week we'd have to nominate and someone would get evicted. The prize at the end of the three months would be a huge sum of money. Am I going a bit crazy you think? Actually just the thought of being in that house drives me crazy
I'm liking the idea!! But would out O/H's be allowed in? I wouldn't want them to miss out??

You should contact Endemol with your brainwave!!!
hmmm you'd have to integrate in OH's for TTC'ers, or we could be smuggled ready loaded turkey basters - aslong as they dont get mixed up :rotfl:
Sounds like a good way to guarantee some sex on BB!!
evemarie8 said:
I'm liking the idea!! But would out O/H's be allowed in? I wouldn't want them to miss out??

You should contact Endemol with your brainwave!!!

OH would only be allowed in the house on the day you have the baby. however he will be allowed to watch everything else on TV, including scans. it's painful but it's the rules sorry!!! (im getting really into it, ain't i?)
Anna B said:
Sounds like a good way to guarantee some sex on BB!!

actually now that you've said that, only TTC'ers would be allowed to have their OH with them lol otherwise how would they get pregnant. but us pregnant ladies would have to go a whole 3 months without them
laetitia85 said:
Anna B said:
Sounds like a good way to guarantee some sex on BB!!

actually now that you've said that, only TTC'ers would be allowed to have their OH with them lol otherwise how would they get pregnant. but us pregnant ladies would have to go a whole 3 months without them

I was wondering that :think:

maybe you could have a shed with magazines, vids etc in the garden where the men can spank the monkey and then it can be brought into the house???

glitzyglamgirl said:
hmmm you'd have to integrate in OH's for TTC'ers, or we could be smuggled ready loaded turkey basters - aslong as they dont get mixed up :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: Could be interesting - Todays task - Guess the correct sperm, then you can use it!!!!

(I would have said something about a taste test but I am just not that crude!! :oops: )
evemarie8 said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
hmmm you'd have to integrate in OH's for TTC'ers, or we could be smuggled ready loaded turkey basters - aslong as they dont get mixed up :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: Could be interesting - Todays task - Guess the correct sperm, then you can use it!!!!

(I would have said something about a taste test but I am just not that crude!! :oops: )

you just did :shock: :shakehead: :lol:
pregnancy is the one time you can be moody, argumentative and blame your hormones....No way would i miss my chance to inflict that on my DH :rotfl:
laetitia85 said:
actually now that you've said that, only TTC'ers would be allowed to have their OH with them lol otherwise how would they get pregnant. but us pregnant ladies would have to go a whole 3 months without them

Mmmm, maybe not such a bad idea after all, as long as they could be there for the birth?? Do we get our own kingsize beds with tonnes of support pillows?
frangelle said:
(Just out of interest Evermarie- would you be able to recognise your OH's sperm by taste? :rotfl: )

Without a comparison, I couldn't tell you???????????????
evemarie8 said:
frangelle said:
(Just out of interest Evermarie- would you be able to recognise your OH's sperm by taste? :rotfl: )

Without a comparison, I couldn't tell you???????????????

I didn't think of that :roll:
To be fair, I am thinking the health and safety execs would kabosh my idea anyway!!??
i had a dream this week that i was on big brother, i was the first pregnant person to be on it! imagine the hormones tho! :shock:
:cheer: it would be great... would they be able to get you out though if any thing went wrong..

:rotfl: would make great viewing i think!
sunshinestars said:
:cheer: it would be great... would they be able to get you out though if any thing went wrong..

:rotfl: would make great viewing i think!

yes they would be able to get us out in case of an emergency, definately!
I really think you could contact channel 4 about this one Laetitia :)

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