*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

I reckon it'll be between rex and rachel... they hate each other so for TV sake it can't get much better! :lol:
KittyMom said:
I have an Awful feeling Rex might win! Please don't let it be! :evil: :evil:

I think he might win too because he pledged to give all the money to charity if he does win.
i don't even care who wins but i hope it isn't Mikey..i dont like him. Rachel has done nothing of note
the whole time, Darnell is just a wierdo, Sara is ok but she annoying and one of those mates who would blatantly
leave you alone in a club to cop off with some loser!! Rex was a bully but at least the money will go to charity!
Gutted I can't join you in the chatroom tonight but here's my prediction:

5th - Sara
4th - Mikey
3rd - Darnell
2nd - Rex
1st - Rachel

I want Rachel to win. She might be dull but she's a decent, honest, kind person and, to be honest, I wish I had her positive bloody outlook on life!

I'll be so pissed-off if Rex wins. I think he's been edited very favourably over the past week but ultimately, he's a tit. He's a controlling bully and has his head so far up his own arse he can probably see the back of his eyeballs.

Darnell is just a paranoid man with issues. He needs some therapy.

Mikey is pretty average and definitely not worthy of winning it. He's hardly kept the show alive. He has been good in places but if he'd been on his own in there with Rachel it would've been like watching paint dry.

I do like Sara and I'd be happy if she won it but I can't see it happening. She seems nice enough and I've even got used to her voice now.

Well girls...let's see if our trusty forum poll is right again tonight. I can't bloody wait!


PS: Excuse my language but BB is an EMOTIONAL issue! x

EDIT: DOH! I have Sky +'d it and am just about to start watching. Just read the above post by mistake so I see Rex is out!
:cheer: :cheer: So much for my predictions!
fran_23 said:
Soooo its gonna be Mikey or Rachel... :talkhand: :talkhand:

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: or :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ive actually given up watching it now. I cant be arsed to see who wins. I usually love the BB finale too :( I get settled down and watch the whole thing, then i watch BBBM after....i just dont care about this series though. Ive not really watched it at all since Stu left. Shame :(
Well I'd rather it be Rachel being as Mikey makes me want to throw up everytime I see him :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
me too its a proper yawn fest..i've just got it in the background while i'm on here and reading my magazine! hehe
What an AWFUL final - I really thought Sara had a bit of chance to win. How are they going to fill the next hour talking to Mikey and Rachel, grapes can only be discussed for so long!
KittyMom said:
Well I'd rather it be Rachel being as Mikey makes me want to throw up everytime I see him :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

same here,

god dam it i swearr its fixed though :shakehead:
Mikey CAN'T win!! I think Rachel should win and I reckon the final two should have been Sara and Rachel, NOT MIKEY!
i didn't vote in this poll cos i didn't really care who won, but d'you know what, i'm genuinely pleased for rachel - she looked so surprised then, bless her.

yeah she was a dull housemate, but tbh i think i'd probably quite like her in real life - just a nice normal girl who put up with a whole load of crap from luke, bex, rex et al and came through the other side without a single bitchy comment. quite an achievement in the bb house.

well done rachel :clap: :clap:
Yeah well done rachel.. TBh I'm just glad Mikey didn't win, he's vile :puke:
A victory for the Welsh vote I think :lol:

I'm pleased; I agree she looked genuinely shocked bless her. And although she wasn't fabulous TV I'm pleased the public have rewarded human decency. :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: @ the gorilla advert!!

edit: and another cadburys ad but to different music than normal :think: :lol:
purple13 said:
yeah she was a dull housemate, but tbh i think i'd probably quite like her in real life - just a nice normal girl who put up with a whole load of crap from luke, bex, rex et al and came through the other side without a single bitchy comment. quite an achievement in the bb house.

well done rachel :clap: :clap:

I agree! Forum Poll was right again as well!

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