Big Brother 7!!!

last night was brill thinki voted about 15 times for pete :oops: well it was worth every penny :D

i cried at the end watching all the best bits seeing everyone going in and leaving again was so nice,

and petes mom and lil brother he is so alike them :D

does anyone know if his dad showd up? as in teh letter he got it said his dad he hasnt seen for ten years would be their for him comming out of BB.

Cant wait till tonite anyone started an x-factor sticky yet?
Iam sooooo pleased nicky was out before ash!!!!

i cant stand nicky

well done pete :cheer:
Richard was robbed!!! :x Was a crap BB this year, wasn't pleased with it at all! :(
hearts81 said:
Richard was robbed!!! :x Was a crap BB this year, wasn't pleased with it at all! :(
i agree.

i cant stand pete i cringe every time i watch him, how could he win????? he is a complete wierdo so fake and drives me up the wall!!!
i cant stand ash either she has gone from ghetto girl to a wimp she is so fake plays the game and wants to be like nikki with all her crying.
ritchard is a complete puff but hes the most decent. glinn was cool to but got a bit anoying towards the end.

did no one else get a huge head ache watching petes interview?
went to bed couldnt stand it,the thing is he will only be interviewed (well shown on tv) after the watershed because of all the swearing,luckily my DD would never repeat what he says she laughs at it but some kids would as they wouldnt know any better.

i like Richard but then I love gay men so that was part of the appeal for me,he was too intelligent for that group and that is why he was unpopular at times.

Oh well always next year,but don't reckon I will be watching.
Am pleased Ash got top girl, still think she could have won.

Did you see how worried Pete's mum looked? I think his mental health seems a bit fragile and I would worry about something like this could tip him over the edge. :(

Bet Nikki's glad she's 'with' the winner. Can't you smell the Heat covers??!! She was hilarious 'I've done something wrong', 'What have I done wrong' when she came 5th. She SO thought she was up there. HA!!

I thought Dickie handled himself well and would have been my second choice for winner. Nothing against Glynn but am pleased he'll be able to enjoy normal uni life. He wouldn't have gone had he won.

I'll have to go into labour now that it's finished...I'll be so bored! :(
LittleMinx said:
Am pleased Ash got top girl, still think she could have won.

Did you see how worried Pete's mum looked? I think his mental health seems a bit fragile and I would worry about something like this could tip him over the edge. :(

Bet Nikki's glad she's 'with' the winner. Can't you smell the Heat covers??!! She was hilarious 'I've done something wrong', 'What have I done wrong' when she came 5th. She SO thought she was up there. HA!!

I thought Dickie handled himself well and would have been my second choice for winner. Nothing against Glynn but am pleased he'll be able to enjoy normal uni life. He wouldn't have gone had he won.

I'll have to go into labour now that it's finished...I'll be so bored! :(

Couldn't have sid it better, I totally agree (apart from the labour part obviousdly :shock: )

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