*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

im really happy with the 2 that went and i think kat was soo upset just cus she thought she was going to win!

my predictions

5. sara
1. rex

i hope this is how it goes anyway! i really really want rex to win but if he doesnt i then hope the winner is mikey , i hate him but i suppose a good housemate is one that makes you either love them or hate them so he would b my second choice.

oooh i just noticed that you can change you text colour!! woop woop how cool!!
After everything Rex has done which has basically been bullying people, how he is so popular? I just dont get it! He is repulsive and has a head like walnut whip, so he hasnt even got the looks! Is he brainwashing people? I would like Sara to win now. She is cool.
Loola said:
After everything Rex has done which has basically been bullying people, how he is so popular? I just dont get it! He is repulsive and has a head like walnut whip, so he hasnt even got the looks! Is he brainwashing people? I would like Sara to win now. She is cool.

I don't understand it either, I guess he has been entertaining if you find people making other people cry entertaining and being controlling but I don't so I wouldn't want him to win. I want anyone to win but Rex but I think he will which makes me worry about our society (but then my OH says I take BB too seriously :rotfl: )
If i really think about it now i think Mikey should win cause as much as he is a little disgusting with some of the things he says and does, he does seem to be the only one who is himself and says as he finds it. The rest are just plain evil, boring or flirting to get the votes.
beanie said:
Loola said:
After everything Rex has done which has basically been bullying people, how he is so popular? I just dont get it! He is repulsive and has a head like walnut whip, so he hasnt even got the looks! Is he brainwashing people? I would like Sara to win now. She is cool.

I don't understand it either, I guess he has been entertaining if you find people making other people cry entertaining and being controlling but I don't so I wouldn't want him to win. I want anyone to win but Rex but I think he will which makes me worry about our society (but then my OH says I take BB too seriously :rotfl: )

:rotfl: So does mine! But I do seriously think it will be outrageous if he wins. Its basically sending out a message that if you bully and belittle people you will get to the top, which is probably true, but it shouldnt be that way! I agree that when he is nice he is really nice, and he has been suspiciously understanding over the last few days, funny that seeing as its the final week :roll:
This is the best final yet, the competition really is wide open.
i think its the best final yet too. i dont even think the bookies know whos going to win because you dont know who the fans of people evicted r goin to vote for. i think rachael has a good chance because chances are those who wanted kat to win will now vote for her also as they were best friends. i think its good that its wide open though i am usually bored at this stage! i agree that rex and darnell did bully sara and took it too far but i dont think rex has been a bully in the house. he is very controlling yes but thats not bullying and i think with BB people throw that word around way too much. quite a few housemates have stood up to his sarcasm and controlling ways so i dont think he has been bullying them. he also took it too far with rachael when he saw her vt and i wish she had stood up to him more but i also think he did that because he was hurt because he was standing up for her when bex n luke were saying she is totally different in auditions so i think he felt a fool. i like his sarcasm its alot like my humour and my close friends get me but a lot of ppl dont. i also think he can be quite witty and funny when he wants. the closer we get to the final im starting to think as long as it not darnell then i will be happy with the winner.

I couldn't do the poll because I don't want any of them to win :shakehead:
I especially don't want Darnell or Rex to win and Mickey is a horrible disgusting twit.
Jade&Evie said:
:doh: Mikey is still bookies favourite

:shock: HOW?? I really dislike Mikey. Always have. I just cant see what people find appealing about him :doh: I actually dislike him more than rex . At least rex has made me chuckle, Mikey has just made me heave :puke: REALLY dont want Darnell to win though. I used to like him, but im so fed up with his 'poor me' paranoid routine, then he goes and says really vicious things to Sara :talkhand: what a nobend :lol:
foxymum said:
if Rex wins then thats me & BB over forever :shakehead: :shakehead:

After this whole series me and BB are done..its been the crappest one ever, i don't even care who wins i'm not even excited to watch the final :-( they said on tv this has been the most unpopular series of all time and they have lost 300 thousand viewers or something ridiculous!!
sazzylou said:
Jade&Evie said:
:doh: Mikey is still bookies favourite

:shock: HOW?? I really dislike Mikey. Always have. I just cant see what people find appealing about him :doh: I actually dislike him more than rex . At least rex has made me chuckle, Mikey has just made me heave :puke: REALLY dont want Darnell to win though. I used to like him, but im so fed up with his 'poor me' paranoid routine, then he goes and says really vicious things to Sara :talkhand: what a nobend :lol:

I totally agree about Darnell!!! he's so tiresome!!! Mikey on the other hand I didn't really want to win - he is gross there is no denying it! but on the other hand he has stood up for people and himself where noone else has.

I would love Rachel to win just to p**s Rex off ha ha the nasty basket!!!
I've never changed my mind so much about who I want to win in one series.

I started off quite liking Darnell, he had a lot of common sense, and won my vote after the spitting thing and what he said about it. Then he turned into a bullying paranoid loser so now I don't want him to win.
Then I started liking Rex as he is really witty and can be really funny... then Nicole ruined all his cahnces as he got too big for his boots and started being a bully.
I never liked Mo, Kat, Mikey in the first place.
Sara is OK, would probably be most likely to be my friend out of all of them if I knew them in real life... but unless she secretly likes Darnell she's being a real cow to him.
Rachel is just too boring, nice, yeah, but if I knew her in real life she would just bore the pants off me.

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