The 2WW is here once again! Anyone else?

I'm hating this 2ww, I was so positive after getting first smiley opk this month but just bfn so far. I'm counting my dpo as ovulating 1 day after the smiley so today is 13dpo and I got negative on clear blue this morning, says on pack you can test 4 days before AF due. I'm cd 26 just now and last cycle was 33 and one before 37 before that I was on the pill and they were regular 28 days. What do you ladies think my chances are this month? Out? I have a night out tonight and not sure whether to drink or not? Xxx
Oops just checked My Days app, I'm cd 27 today. Starting to feel crampy like AF is coming her way. I'm thinking by Sunday she'll arrive and that'll be me back on normal 28 day cycles. Least I'll be a bit more regular. Xxx
Fingers crossed for those the witch has not visited!!

Daley - you are defo not out - chin up and try to relax!!

I am 8dpo today, boobies are no longer tender, and cramping pretty much gone, not much cm to report either! Not feeling hopefull, but too early to get real pg symptoms, so just hanging in there!!

Hope the witch stays away for everyone. She hasnt got me yet but I know I'm out. I am due on today or Sunday, I think it will be Sunday and I will be quite happy with that as that will mean my luteal phase has gone back to 13 days (had gone down to 11 for past 6 months or so) x
Cosmo - you may not be out. With my little girl I was over a week late before I got a BFP. Never did work out why - it tallies as my due date was a week later than I thought too - that cycle must have been like this one, and in those days I'd never even HEARD of an ovulation stick so would have had no idea I hadn't ovulated until day 21! That's what has happened this time, first smiley face at CD15 was a dud and then according to CBFM, I ovulated on day 21-22. That's why I'm at day 34 with no AF. That all said, I'm definitely out as I've had BFN after BFN and even ovulation test is completely blank. Sod it, I'm gonna have some wine this weekend! Xx
Thanks Lozzaste I'm trying to just relax and not think about it. I told my husband earlier about doing the early tests and he said we shouldn't go by them and doesn't think I should test in future till at least a week late. It's just hard as don't have a regular cycle but if I hadn't got caught up in the valentines hype I wouldn't have even tested. Xxx
I need no excuse to test. I am obsessed with it!
I said to my hubby that I can't WAIT until I have another baby. After that I am done with all that. I won't give two hoots when I ovulate and hopefully won't have a clue what CD I am!
I need no excuse to test. I am obsessed with it!
I said to my hubby that I can't WAIT until I have another baby. After that I am done with all that. I won't give two hoots when I ovulate and hopefully won't have a clue what CD I am!

Hah, my OH and I have decided that after we have another baby I'm never going back on contraception again. So like you I'm hoping this will be my last time TTC where I'm looking at cycle days and OPKs and stressing and testing. Any future babies will hopefully be pleasant surprises :) This 2WW and BFNs and over analysing every little twinge is just absolutely torturous :( In 9 months TTC, I've only ov'd 2-3 times thanks to the pill. It just takes me a long long time to get back to "normal". I never want to go through this again :(
Haha. Same. If its this hard to get pregnant what's the point fannying about with contraception? It messed me up too, I had the mirena coil and it took me about 6 months the first time. I also have the added problem of recurrent miscarriage so I couldn't care less about the pill/coil anyway, they make me fat and give me zits anyway! Haha xx
Imagine realising one day that it's been ages since you've had a period, you do a test, and realise you're 10 weeks pregnant?? Someday! :)
Imagine realising one day that it's been ages since you've had a period, you do a test, and realise you're 10 weeks pregnant?? Someday! :)

You know I'm sure I have that very same thought at least twice a day!

Imagine realising one day that it's been ages since you've had a period, you do a test, and realise you're 10 weeks pregnant?? Someday! :)

That would be amazing, I would love that. Wish it could happen to me

Michelle x
I've just seen what happened. I'm really really sorry to hear that. I hope you're ok, big big hugs to you xx
I've just seen what happened. I'm really really sorry to hear that. I hope you're ok, big big hugs to you xx

Thanks Lozzaste, I am ok, just picking myself up and moving onto the next cycle. Trying to stay positive.

Michelle x
Just as I predicted - one whole week late and AF rocked up!
It's a really bad one too! I'm back in the game, CBFM monitor is set and ready to roll and I'm gonna get me some soy! Xx
Just as I predicted - one whole week late and AF rocked up!
It's a really bad one too! I'm back in the game, CBFM monitor is set and ready to roll and I'm gonna get me some soy! Xx

Sorry the witch got you! Hope this is your month, will be cheering you on!

I'm 12dpo today and too scared to test after the last two days. I'm either pregnant and it's too early to show or I'm going to have a hell of a period too. Bd this morning and was relieved when hubby moved as my stomach is still really tender! :(

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