~***September Mummies***~

Just getting ready to go into hospital for reduced movement and concerns over too little growth :( nervous but glad something is happening.

Would be amazing if they noticed contractions (if only mild!) on the trace but I really doubt it!

Hope you all have a good signy day!

And everything goes smoothly for Hayley xx
Thanks guys, just been in the shower and will sort my frizzy bob hair out as much as I can, not that it'll matter after labour haha.

Happy due date constantstar hope things start happening soon.
Hope your niggles turn into something sunshine.
MrsE good luck at the hospital this morning, hopefully you'll be able to update before I go into hospital.

Kim and Beesmall hope you're both feeling a bit brighter today and things start happening for you both soon xx
Good luck Hayley!! Ill be joining to overdue club too I think! Hardly any signs, no show or anything! I had a meltdown yesterday too lol felt really sick and just so totally exhausted and completely fed up! Fingers crossed these babies start making a move soon! Wouldn't it be weird if we all go on the same day lol x
Happy due date constantstar! Hope little one makes an appearance soon! Hayley, hope induction is nice and smooth for you, what time do you have to be there? Bet you're so excited!!
Hi ladies,

I'm here in hospital now, BP high still so they're serving dinner etc before they put me on monitor hoping it'll come down a bit before pessary goes in.

Ooo just been for a wee and tmi big bit of plug come out ( first I noticed that ive lost) maybe the sweep is working? He did say 2-4 days im on day 2. Lets hope something will happen doon and not fizzle out!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Ooh sounds good constanstar.. i was very pleased.to see.some of mine. Only.noticed i think coz i'm on knicker watch lol. Let's hope things are progressing for u..xx
Ooh sounds good constantstar, the sweep must be doing something. I feel a bit crampy this afternoon, a bit like I feel the day before my period, tops of my legs are aching too. Not sure if its a sign, just feeling a bit uncomfortable :-(

- now Free
Plug is good constantstar! I had a bit of proper jelly almost straight after, I'm excited to get some more haha!!

My pains subsided after a nap earlier which I'm gutted about. Hope they pick up again soon!!!
Ok girls I need opinions. So lost a bit of plug earlier on a few occasions ive checked when gone for wee or on pad. Been getting what I presume r braxton hicks maybe every 8/10 mins for about 30 seconds. Dont hurt just uncomfortable. Is this the start? Is it nothing? My lower back is achy too. Argh if its nothing its stressful! Lol want something to happen not to fizzle out!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
It could be the start, but it could be nothing. You can't tell until/unless it progresses :-( very irritating, but either way your body is getting ready :-) xx
Just had a bath, few more pains, got out and had a big bit of bloody mucous along with extra blood (not enough to be a concern though!) I hope this carries on haha x
Wow ladies it sounds like its all kicking off here! Can't wait for some more September babies to arrive, they're being a bit too shy so far! Xxx
Good luck ladies its all go, go, go. It so worth it though.

I am pleased to tell you that we had our little bundle arrive on Tuesday 10th at 13.41. Was a long old labour and lost a lot of fluid and blood but its fair to say we're smitten already.

His name is Jakob Anthony Screen
mine is lazy, due date tomorrow but no sign that shes making a move lol, pretty sure its gonna be the sweep on tuesday that does things for me
Wow Tigger, exciting! I really need to do a labour thread! It totally works I've decided.

My second sweep was pointless since she couldn't get a finger in but whatever.

Good luck Constantstar too! Trying not to get jealous here haha.

Congratulations littlemo! Xxx
Pains are coming every 6-7 mins (love being able to time them!!) lasting about 30-40 seconds, but they're not overly painful so I hope this isn't just "practise"!! I'm too excited haha xx

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