~***September Mummies***~

Well mw has been and sending me to hospital AGAIN! I'm getting annoyed now :-( they also didn't do the sweep as didn't want to do it before 41 weeks. She's advised I speak to the Dr at the hospital about my worries as I can't keep going to the hospital every 4 days. It doesn't help sitting in there for 4-5 hours everytime.
Had a bit of a cry cause I'm starting to worry there's an underlying problem that they're not seeing :-( just want her here safely now xx
3rd time in a row I've had high BP now, last week I was in for BP and reduced movement. Her movements haven't been the same for a week now x
Oh Hayley :/ I can't believe it! 4 times, that's madness! You deserve answers. Maybe they won't send you home. That's what happened to Amygates didn't it?

Is it the same midwife all the time?

I really hope you get answers today. Thinking of you xxx
Is it? I haven't read anywhere her story, what happened?
It's been a different midwife everytime. I just don't know how many times this has to happen before they actually do something? Xx
Sending tonnes of luck your way Haylian. Make sure these doctors dont fob you off and get this looked into propely. BIG HUGS XXXXXX
She hasn't done a story but she went up for reduced movement and had been previously with it so they decided to induce her.

My friend had high BP and despite it coming down they decided to induce her on her due date.

Since you have both I would have expected them to go this way? They might not you're overdue. I know it's probably not what you want. Xxx
Thanks girls, I'm a bit emotional so hoping I'll calm down a bit by the time I get there. Got to be there for 2.
Need to put my broad shoulders on and try and get something done, this is just prolonged worry for me at this point which isn't going to be helping xx
To be honest MrsE I just want her here safely now. If they choose to induce then I'll just go with it cause something somewhere is obviously malfunctioning :-( just don't want to be sent away again and something be really wrong.
Did Amy have reduced movement at the hospital too? As per so many stories on here she livened up on the trace but then went quiet again the day after xx
Oh Hayley I'm so disappointed for you :-( high BP sounds like its more likely to be stress related, when was the last time you had a "good" midwife appointment?!

I hope they give you some answers. If they aren't telling you anything, ask if they would consider inducing you and what the pros are - but remember its not always "easy" if the body isn't ready :-)

Went for a long walk earlier - it's done nothing. Then went out for coffee (read: hot chocolate covered in lots of cream and marshmallows!) and I spent too much time whining about my MIL so hubby's not best pleased with me. He's on holiday now till baby comes, then he has 2 weeks paternity which is lovely :-)

I've just realised I totally ignored both 5element and spin sugar - baby brain is making me forget what I've read before the end!!

August and sept mummies thread sounds ace! Thank you :-)

And I see you've already done your birth announcement 5element so that's a redundant question now :-D

I haven't had a good apt for 5 weeks now.
The BP doesn't bother me as much as the movement. I know they slow down a bit but she's slowed down loads and even though she's still doing the 10 movements a day that's still very quiet for her and they're much smaller movements too. It's all just making me worry a lot more. Xx
Can you go with anyone to the hospital? To help back you up?

I doubt the midwives have made you feel at ease. I had high BP for the first time yesterday but she was fine about it and just took it again after the sweep and it went back to normal.

I really hope you get an understanding doctor who sorts this out.

I know what you mean about changing of baby's movements. S/he seems a lot more quiet but still moving. Hmf.

My husband is coming home to go with me. The midwives try to make you feel at ease but then put so much emphasis on movements that's its hard not to panic.
I just can't help feeling fobbed off by the hospital, I've had no issue with my BP all the way through this pregnancy until now, it was higher once but not high just higher than it had been previously. So why would it be doing it now?
I'm just full of questions lol and I hope they understand my concern. I've had no contact with them at all throughout this pregnancy so there's no need to think I'm an over reacting first time mum etc cause I'm not. Just hope they understand my concern xx
Back from consultant. He did a sweep. Ouch! He said im 1cm dilated and hr oushed babys head?! Lol if nothing happens booked in for Induction next fri!

Just been to the loo and got some blood there on pad. He said might happen . And im achy doen below so gunna go for a kip x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
My husband is coming home to go with me. The midwives try to make you feel at ease but then put so much emphasis on movements that's its hard not to panic.
I just can't help feeling fobbed off by the hospital, I've had no issue with my BP all the way through this pregnancy until now, it was higher once but not high just higher than it had been previously. So why would it be doing it now?
I'm just full of questions lol and I hope they understand my concern. I've had no contact with them at all throughout this pregnancy so there's no need to think I'm an over reacting first time mum etc cause I'm not. Just hope they understand my concern xx

Oh honey how worrying for you. Just be very vocal about the. Real reduction in movement and number of times and what will they do? Glad you have husband to go with you. Will be thinking of you x
Back from consultant. He did a sweep. Ouch! He said im 1cm dilated and hr oushed babys head?! Lol if nothing happens booked in for Induction next fri!

Just been to the loo and got some blood there on pad. He said might happen . And im achy doen below so gunna go for a kip x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

That's good news constant star :):)

I had one this am and 1cm too, c'mon babies!!!
What an eventful day! So got to the hospital and had the usual bloods,urine an BP. Then put me on trace, it's the quietest she's ever been on a trace so not a lot of movement recorded. And when she did move she kept moving away from monitor so trace kept failing and nurse was blaming me??? I was having to hold the end of the thing cause it kept tilting away from my belly so that means I kept moving not the baby, silly woman.

Anyway she spoke to consultant who said if this is the 3rd time I've been in in just over a week then what are we waiting for? I don't take myself there for no reason lots of different midwives have sent me so they're obviously concerned.
So she did a sweep and said my cervix had come down but not quite labour ready and booked me in for induction for Thursday. Holy shit I totally wasn't expecting them to do it. She also scanned me and said baby was in a very favourable position so shouldn't need much encouragement hopefully as she looked ready to "make her way out".

So basically it looks like I'm set to be a mum by the weekend, I'm freaking out a bit now but when I've got my head round it I'll be fine. I know I said I'd ask about induction but I honestly didn't think they'd do it, especially not that quick. But now I'm just glad that I know she'll be here safe soon.

Any news on Ammdaz? Xx
Oh my gosh!!! Excitement for Thursday! Though that's now 2 of you due after me, being induced before me. Unfair! I don't feel too jealous though, I'm too excited for you :-D I've loved sharing this whole experience with you all its really nice seeing it come to its conclusion!!

What you gonna do tomorrow on your last day as a free woman?! Hehe xx

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