~***September Mummies***~

As far as I've always been told, pinky plug is normal, more favourable I believe as it means there's blood in it so its closer to your cervix. That's what I've read anyway. Things might be on the move for you :-) haha we're all going to go at once! X
Constanstar positive thinking.. u will have ur baby soon. Sounds like something going on :-)

Good luck to u Hayley... so exciting xx

I hope it means something for me too lol would be funny if a load of us go at the same time lol I was so excited to see my plug.. sad but true xx
All I've had from my sweep is bits of brown spotting. No plug. I don't think I'm actually going to lose my plug. I'm not even sure this baby is going to do anything at all. There goes my natural water birth!

Good luck to everyone. I'm glad more babies are coming now, or at least very much on their way! Xxx
I thought brown/pinky plug was your show? Supposed to signal that labour is coming soon!! Hope so for your sake sunshine :-)

MrsE, you sound as fed up as me!! These stupid babies and their stupid comfortableness!!! GET OUT!!!

I've had 2 texts this morning, one from my cousin asking where the baby is and one from work asking how I feel. Fat, fed up and very irritable. I just want to cry I'm so fed up. I've been for about 4 poops since yesterday when they're usually every few days, but they're not loose and there isn't much too them so I think it means absolutely nothing! We should all be fitted with a "labour indicator" something that gives you an accurate count down in days as to when it'll happen!!!!
I am Tigger! I spent ages crying yesterday but trying not to today. Well, will see how hospital goes!

The doctor kept callings cervix "unfavourable" last night (after reading my sweep notes). I almost apologised for its lack of helpfulness.

Omg on Facebook someone wrote a birthday message then asked when I was going to let the baby out. WHAT?! Raaaah! Xxx
MrsE, you sound as fed up as me!! These stupid babies and their stupid comfortableness!!! GET OUT!!!

Oh hun I could :hug: you! The amount of times I've been glared at or yelled at for not being a freaking intensive carebear is ridiculous. If I dare say anything that's not sickeningly gushy about the baby I usually get shot down in flames & get called a bad mother or told he's going to live with XXX
Not pregnancy related but I've been spending money again.
I always end up using the same tatty coat every winter cause I never find one that I like, so I'm being prepared this year and I've bought it already. It's come today and I'm so relieved I like it. It's not too thick but not too light, not too long but not too short and it's got a nice sheepskin lined hood instead of a big fluffy one :-) ordered in my pre baby size as most of my weight is bump and my other jackets ec still fit fine round my back etc. I can't wait to wrap up warm in it. Xx

I'm so confused. My plug came.out last night and had some more today. Went for a long walk with my friend ( regular sit downs though lol)@ I'm getting tightenings in my belly and there uncomfortable but not unbearable. Also have dull back ache. I don't know if somethings happening or it's BH. I should know i've given birth before but was 12 yrs ago and it all started with backache.

Also panicing as oh is travelling an hr away with work tomorrow... not good really x
Hopefully if it is something it'll kick up a gear tonight and you'll know before he leaves tomorrow :-) hope it means something for you xx
I'm going to totally swing the other way to all of us September Mums now, I need baby to hang on until at least Saturday night. I applied for a Job at a brand new Asda opening literally a 5 minute drive from me months ago. I had the interview 4 weeks ago, my first interview since being made redundant, and as I didn't hear I just assumed I hadn't got anything and was happy of some interview practise. Then today I got a phone call from the George manager offering me a job! It's only 2 afternoons a week on the shop floor and then Sundays in the office doing all time sheets/ overtime and payroll paperwork stuff. So I've accepted, totally excited! She then called back saying that the only day she can do before October to go over my contract and stuff is this Saturday and am I free?!? I said yes in my excitement before thinking its my due date!! It's only local and just classroom based but don't really want my waters to break in there.
So I'm happy for you girls to go ahead this weekend now... Oh Dear!! X
Ohh no nightmare timing!! If its a typical sept baby, it won't be making any moves quickly for you ;-)

I had a proper meltdown to my mum this evening. She thinks its a good sign, and hopefully my sweep tomorrow will set me off. She also wants me to go into labour tonight because she has a REALLY busy day tomorrow she'd like to get out of haha.

Like Kim said, if its going to follow suit with these September baby's then it won't show up any time soon :-)

Hope you're feeling better now Kim. I had my breakdown yesterday, it's needed sometimes for sure, hopefully it means something for you and labour starts soon xx
I had a mini breakdown tonight. Feel thoroughly fed up, everything/everyone trying to be helpful etc was just just pissing me off. Just started sobbing in the kitchen. Hubby just gave me a cuddle bless him, don't think there was much he could say and he knew it!!
Ahh beesmall they are good when they're like that!! There's never anything needing said, just a nice cuddle (and a baby would be good!)

How's things sunshine state?? Did it ramp up a bit for you??

Got my sweep today at 10.40 and I'm well nervous. Really want baby by Friday or to hold off all weekend - it's Zulus first ever dog agility show on Sunday and I don't want him to miss it!!! How sad?!

LOL wow ive done the 40 weeks, wheres my bubba?
I had my sweep tues and only twinges and a little blood nothing much happened so far not holding my breath lol
So.the plan is sweep with midwife on monday comjnb otherwise im booked in for induction on Friday 20th! 8 days wait. Looks like il be joining the overdue ckub tommo! :/

So come on baby make an appearance! !!

Hows everyone xx
mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Happy due date constantstar! Overdue club isn't that much fun :/ but you just need to try and keep busy. 8 days over and I'm beginning to crack!

Just about to ring the hospital to see when we have to go in to be monitored. Had a curry last night and my sister is really sick. Hope I'm not!

We're discussing our plan with a consultant after the monitoring so hoping they're going to scan too as that was their concern.

Tigger .. it hasn't ramped up unfortunately. Just still very mild cramps and backache. Being sick alot.. My body is totally messing me about now.

Ooh all these meltdowns....sound promising.

can't believe these naughty sept babies... we have made them comfy homes for last 9 months... they want to stay. Get out babies xx
Happy due date constantstar! The overdue club is poo. It's the not having a date to aim for anymore that bugs me!
Only 3 days till I'm sure I will be joining the overdue club :(, no signs for me apart from occasional cramping! Dreading the date going by and not having anything to aim for! :(!!!
Happy due date constanstar

Really.hope it happens for u soon tigger xx

Good luck for today Hayley xx

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